Stories of past

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Yash is an extremely patient guy. He gave me a week to get over my shock and think about his offer. It's been a day and a half and Ketan always seemed busy doing one thing or another. I saw him fixing something in one of the rooms when I decided to go talk to him.

"Hey. Are you busy?", I asked.

"I just needed something to take my mind off him. Do you want to talk about anything?", He set down the metal in his hand.

"I haven't talked to you since you became my vampire guru"

"Vampire guru sounds good", He chuckled.

I smiled. "I was wondering if you wanted to talk about anything. It could be about anything. Your travel, favourite food, crazy moments, anything"

"Amaira", He sighed, "You don't need to be my therapist, you know?"

"I know but the silence is driving me nuts", I lied.

He gave me a look. "Really? Silence? And what happened when you stayed here alone for months?"

"Alright. It's not the silence. I don't know what it is but my mind is going crazy. I need to talk to someone and Yash isn't an option", I stood up, ready to leave.

"I can be your therapist if you want", he said.

"What do you mean?"

"You need someone to talk and I need to focus on something other than ways to rip his head off. Why not help each other?", He shrugged.

"I don't think that's a good idea", I sat down next to him.

"Why don't we atleast give it a try? Maybe it really is a bad idea. Who cares?"

"Trust me. It is a bad idea. Instead of taking your mind off what's happening, it's going to push you deeper. I should have never come here to talk. Sorry", I stood up and used my vamp speed to leave the room.

I was quickly blocked by an equally quick Ketan. "You cannot push me any more deep into my thoughts than I already am. If it helps atleast one of us, I am willing to do it", He looked me in the eye.

"There is a... umm... There is a huge tree that blocks the sun completely. We can go there and talk about anything till sun down", I suggested.

"I would like that", He moved sideways, giving me enough space to move out.

A handful of careful moves and we reached the tree that blocks the sun completely. "We are here", I said and started climbing up. In one quick jump, he reached a strong branch. "Are you scared of climbing a tree without your powers?", I smirked.

"What? Why would I be? It's just quick", he said.

"Yeah, sure. It's not like climbing a tree without your powers is easy or anything", I smirked.

"It is easy and I can do it", he argued.

"Then prove it to me", I grinned.

"Alright", he jumped down. He climbed the tree like a human would. "See, I can do it", he said sitting down next to me.

"Can you swim?", I asked.

"I can even dive. Why would you ask?", he asked confused.

"Can't a vampire be curious?", I raised an eyebrow.

"Curiosity killed the cat", he shrugged.

"Good for us, I am not a cat", I grinned.

"What is it that you wanted to talk about?", he asked.

"Honestly, at this point, anything sounds like music to me", I admitted.

"Tell me about your life as a human", he said.

"Trust me. You do not want to open that can of worms", I said swinging my legs and looking at distant trees.

"I'll go first then", he said.

"You sure? We can talk about something else", I suggested.

"I want to do this. When I was a human, my family owned a farm and cattle. Life was simple. You work, have fun and go to bed. I had a friend just like you"

"Me?". He nodded. "Did she look like me or behave like me?", I asked.

"Behaviour. She was funny. She couldn't see me sad. She even loved roaming the fields with me"

"Is she the reason you love to walk in the forest with me?", I asked.

"Probably. Her family left the place when she was around 15, I think"

"Did you ever meet her after that?"

His body tensed a little but he smiled, "No. I wanted to travel so I could meet her but soon I realised I could never meet her. That's when I decided to travel to explore the beauty of the nature"

"When I travelled, all I encountered were crazy people who wanted to experiment on me", I looked down.

"Somewhere, someone always knows that vampires exist. Someone will always try to hunt us or hurt us. You need to learn to live with it"

"We just deviated form topic. She left when she was 15. What happened next?", I asked.

"I needed a friend. Nina and I weren't that close before but after my friend left, she tried her best to cheer me up. That's how we grew close"

"How did you spend your last day as human?", I asked.

"I was a little excited to be a vampire. My life was boring when I met a vampire. I wanted some adventure so Nina and I decided to become something new", he smiled at the memory.

"How old were you when you turned?"

"I was 24 and Nina was 26. How old were you?"

"I went to a stupid party on my 23th birthday and the rest is history", I shrugged.

"What about your family?", He asked.

"My parents died in an accident when I was young. I lived with my sister at my aunt's house. When I was 17, my sister's car drove off a cliff. They never found her body", I said.

"I am sorry", he said. "If you don't mind me asking, was that when you wanted to end your life?", he asked unsure of it.

"Yes. I isolated myself since then. When I made a genuine attempt to make friends, I got kidnapped and turned into a vampire"

"You isolated yourself for 6 years?", he asked shocked.

"I was a little better when I turned 18 but my aunt kicked me out so I was back to square one. I didn't have much time for socializing. Can I tell you something?"


"You are the first person who is this close to me only two weeks after our first meet. Technically you and Nina", I shrugged.

"I am honoured?", he smiled.

"I am heading back", I said.

"I will stay here for a few more minutes", he said.

I hopped down and looked up, "Thank you", I smiled.

"For what?", he asked confused.

"For today and the past two weeks. You made me feel comfortable. So, thank you", I said. He simply smiled.

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