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These werewolves are not one to socialize. I tried to be the friendly neighborhood vampire but no body was even remotely willing to talk to a vampire. I guess I hit a jackpot with the first lady. I met a few curious kids. They wanted to know about vampires. I was beginning to tell them when a lady ushered them away.

I kept wandering till Sid found me. "It's time", he smiled.

"Time for what?"

"So you don't want to be there when the portal opens?", he raised an eyebrow playfully.

"Oh, right. I was caught up talking with people that are so willing and co-operative", my voice dripped with sarcasm.

He smiled again, "I'm sure you can do it"

"I have to. The reward is too sweet to lose"

"I'm gonna show you all the beautiful places while you are here"

"I highly doubt I will be doing sightseeing here"

"We can start right away", he said with a spark in his eyes. I didn't know if I was imagining it but there was a spark in his eyes when he spoke to me.

"We have less than a hour", I rolled my eyes.

"And super speed", he grinned.

I groaned, "Fine!

First he took me to some place that looked like a market. "A market? Looks like I have been here before"

"Look at the fountain", he pointed towards the far end of the market.

"You dragged me all the way here to show me a bloody fountain? Unbelievable!", I crossed my arms.

"Just come with me", he walked towards the fountain. I followed him. "Look at the base. Look at the way it's been engraved. Isn't it beautiful?"

"I guess. It looks ancient though", I shrugged.

"That's what makes it more beautiful"

"I spent quite some time in a creepy ancient mansion. This is not my definition of beauty. Are there any other places that you want me to visit?", I raised an eyebrow.

He thought for a while before looking at me. "I have the perfect place then", he took off in a random direction. I rolled my eyes and followed him.

"Where are we now?", I groaned.

"The fanciest place in the entire town. Let's go", he smiled.

"Just because I have antique, doesn't mean I love fancy", I chuckled.

"You have a beautiful smile"

"Let's go to the portal"

"Don't you want to go in? It's got a cute garden and a lot of stuff", Sid insisted.

"I'm not interested. Right now, my focus is on finding Ketan and letting him know I'm alright"

His face dropped, "Right, Ketan, your boyfriend. How about we go to the mountain and I will show you the cave?", he suggested. I nodded.

We went to the base of the mountain and Sid smiled triumphantly. "You seem pretty proud of yourself", I looked at him.

"Yep. We still have over thirty minutes before the portal opens. We can go to the top of the mountain. You can't possibly say you are not interested in nature"

"Will we make it back before the portal opens?", I asked.

He nodded. I sighed and started mountain climbing. I didn't use too much vamp speed but we reached the top fairly quickly.

"I must admit, this view is incredible", I looked at the forest that seemed never ending even with the altitude.

"Finally managed to take you to a place that you would like", Sid grinned.

"How about that cave now?", I asked.

"It's on the way down", he said.

We walked to the cave. We had around fifteen minutes left before the portal opened. "Told you we would be here on time"

I rolled my eyes, "Precaution is better than cure"

"Whatever you say", he threw his arms up in defence. "Now that we are here, tell me, what do you want to do to kill time"

"I don't know. Talk?"

"About what?"

"About the mystery girl you liked? I don't know. Your wish", I shrugged.

"Ah, the mystery girl", he looked down with a smile. "There isn't much to tell. I was in my wolf form when I met her. She was kind but I bit her"

"No offence but if I had something in my mouth, I would have spat it out", I chuckled.

He smiled, "I can't blame you. I was a teenager and stupid. She could have killed me. She was really strong. She chose to let me go. I liked her. I have always wanted to find her and one day, I will make her love me the way I do"

"So, you don't know where she is?", I raised an eyebrow. He shook his head. "Well, it's highly unlikely but I hope you find her"

"Me too", he smiled.

We sat there in silence and waited for the portal to open. Water started trickling down the wall at the end of the cave. "It's time", Sid said.

I stood up and looked at the wall. Soon, water started flowing. "Can I walk in?", I asked. He nodded. I walked in and leaned forward. I dropped into a pool of water. I swam up and looked at the place I was before jumping.

I walked out of water and saw Ketan leaning against a tree, covered in blood. "Ketan!", I screamed, running towards him.

His head shot up in my direction, "Amaira", he smiled and hugged me. "Where were you?"

"Long story. Are you hurt? What's with all the blood?", I asked concerned.

"I tried to do what you did this morning. I was hit by rocks", he chuckled.

"Did you feed?"

"I will be fine. You are with me. I can't be better", he pressed my hand against his cheek, looking into my eyes.

"We don't have much time, Amaira", I heard Sid shout.

"Who is that?", Ketan's head shot up in the direction of voice.

"I will explain everything but I need you to come with me first", I said. Ketan looked at me confused. "Please. We don't have much time". He nodded. I held his hand and jumped into the portal.

"Whoa! What was that?", Ketan looked surprised. Then I told him everything that happened.

To say he was shocked was an understatement. "So, you jumped here and made friends with these wolves. You can jump twice everyday. You agreed to help these wolves with overcoming their fear of vampires? I'm sorry, how in any world would that make any sense?", Ketan asked.

I sighed, "They have a weapon that can help us get rid of whoever Yash made enemies with. This is our chance to be together without the fear of Yash using us. We can trade the weapon for our freedom"

"I'm still not completely okay with this but fine. I guess we are harmless now", Ketan chuckled.

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