Real Trouble

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Ketan opened the letter with a cloth in his hand. 


You figured half of it. All you need to do it figure out the tough parts like where I am and where that girl is. I must admit, it was pretty impressive the way you connected the dots, blood pet. Make that idiot use his thousand year old rusted brain and you can find me in no time. You can even try to take me down using your childish techniques. Hope you fail.

Yours not so sincerely,
Well, I'm gonna leave it to you to figure it out.

Me and Ketan shared a suprised look. "Stay here. I will look around for the one who sent it", Ketan said. 

Before he could move, I held his hand and stopped him. "Do you really think that's the best idea?", I asked. He looked at me confused. "Think about it. Whoever sent this isn't going for subtle. What makes you think they would still be there when you go out?"

"Because they are not going for subtle"

"What if it's a trap?"

"Then I'm gonna fall into it. Big deal", he snapped before realisation hit him, "Oh", he frowned. 

"I understand that Nina is your sister and you love her but she isn't the only one you think about anymore", I said just above a whisper. He nodded. "I will help you find her. I really will but I can't let you play into enemy's hands when it's too obvious to ignore"

"What do we do?", he asked. 

"I know it sounds cruel but we gotta send someone who has nothing else to lose"

"What makes you think Yash would go?", Ketan asked curiously.

"It's news from his enemy", I said in a duh tone. 

Yash walked in and before we could speak, he spoke up, "Before you ask, no. I'm not going to investigate for some stupid guy who is into theatrics. You are right, I have nothing to lose. I'm not going to make a fool out of myself in front of him by looking for him minutes after he probably left", he declared. 

"Doesn't hurt to look for clues", I shrugged. 

"Clues? What would they be?", Yash asked, clearly annoyed. 

"A place that smells like sage?", I raised an eyebrow. 

Yash scoffed, "Yeah, right. He isn't stupid Amaira. He managed to take Nina and none of us could scent anything. My experience turns futile when standing against him", he growled. 

"If you could have let the scent stay the same and not have covered it with human blood, we could have had a chance", I snarled. 

He immediately held me up by my throat, "What makes you think I didn't scent test the place before drenching it in blood?", he growled. I tried to answer but his grip was too tight.

"Let her go!", Ketan shouted before trying to break Yash's neck.

Yash dropped me and pushed Ketan away. "Just because everybody knows she is your mate, doesn't mean you get to act all overprotective around me. You do as I say or I will kill you", Yash said in his most intimidating tone.

"If you could stop threatening us and help us, you can get your revenge or whatever and we can get Nina back", I said calmly.

"Fill a bottle with your blood and bring it to library", he said before speeding towards the mountain of books.

"Is he crazy?", I shouted.

"Take my blood", Ketan said.

"It's fine. I'm strong enough for the stupid blood donation", I shrugged.

"No. I just don't want another male drinking your blood"

"You were fine with it before", I said curiously.

Ketan took a deep breath, "I didn't want you hating me more than you already did. It's your body and you have every right over it. I just want you to know that my instincts go crazy if anyone other than me drinks from you. That's it"

"Then drink from me", I said out of the blue.

"What?", he asked surprised.

"I drank your blood. It's only fair if you drink mine"

He chuckled, "It doesn't work that way, Aira. It has to be done when both of us are ready and I want it to be special", he said cupping my cheeks.

Aira. I loved the way it sounded when he called me that.

"I drank from you and it wasn't a special moment", I frowned.

"But that's before you knew that we were mates. One day, you will drink my blood knowing that I'm yours and you are mine, forever. It's going to be special, I promise", he looked into my eyes and I knew he meant it.

I slowly nodded, "How did I get so lucky?", I thought out loud.

Ketan smiled, "I'm the one who's lucky"

"If you two are done, I am waiting for blood", Yash shouted from the library, earning a groan from Ketan.

I chuckled, "Better not make the guy any more angry"

Ketan quickly filled a bottle with his blood and handed it to me. I took it to Yash and set it beside him. He pointed a paper. I picked it and started reading.

Do not react. I repeat, DO NOT REACT. I know how my enemy plots his moves and I also know that he will be watching our every move. We need to look as dis-functional as possible to attack when his guards are down. Prepare for whatever I have in store for you. One mistake and Nina is gone.

My blood boiled with rage. How could he possible think this is okay? So I wrote it down on another paper.

This is ABSURD. I repeat, ABSURD. How could you possibly think this is okay? What if me or Ketan gets hurt or even worse, gets killed in the process? Find a way to kill him and let's just get this over with as quickly as possible.

He read it and frowned. He wrote another paragraph and passed it to me.

Whatever I plan can't possibly be worse than what you have gone through. I might have to throw you two in the sun a few times and taking us down would look like a piece of cake to them.

The thought of burning alive again sent chills down my spine. "You are a lunatic", I shouted before speeding outside and running into Ketan.

"What's wrong?", Ketan asked concerned.

"I need some time away from that psycho, please", I said on the verge of tears.

"It's okay. We'll go to a room that doesn't have his scent, okay?", he said hugging me tight. I nodded, knowing going outside wasn't an option. He let me stay in that position for as long as I needed to. We walked over to his room with our hands intertwined.

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