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I sat outside the barn, hoping Ketan would forget everything and be back. "Hey", I heard a soft voice.

"Hi", I looked at him and back at the floor. He sat down next to me.

"I see you got our weapon", he pointed the bag in my hand.

"Yeah", I cracked a tiny smile but it didn't last long.

"Your mate did really good out there". I hummed in response. "Any idea where he could be?". I shook my head. "He seemed pretty mad when he left"

I got up, "I need to go. Thanks for your help"

"Wait, where are you going?"

"I need to find Ketan and go home"

"What about me? Us?", he asked.

"There is no us, Sid. You need to move on. I still don't know how werewolves can be turned into vampires and it sounds pretty dangerous"

"But I can treat you better than him. Did you see how he lost his cool today? I won't. I will always treat you with love"

I chuckled softly, "You're gonna grow old and die while I live forever. There is a reason vampires have mates. I really hope you find someone who is not immortal. Thanks again for everything", I vamp sped to the pack house to get my bag.

I changed my clothes and walked out of the pack house. Everything was still dark. I had a few hours before the portal opens and I needed to find Ketan. I tried to scent track but it didn't work. There was blood everywhere. Ketan was probably drenched in blood too.

I caught a faint scent of Ketan. I wasted no time. I followed it. After nearly an hour of following the scent, I realised that I was running in circles. It was pointless. I sighed and looked at the sky. I didn't have much time before the portal opens.

Maybe he is waiting there for the portal to open. I ran towards the mountain. I saw Ria at the bottom of the mountain. "Hi", I whispered.

"Found him?"

I shook my head, "I was hoping to see him here. I thought he might want to leave this place"

"What if you don't see him here?"

"Then I'm gonna find him in the next twelve hours or just come here when the portal opens"

"We have around ten minutes before the portal opens. We need to be there if we don't want to miss him"

I tried using vampire speed but after running around all night, I was tired. I couldn't run for too long without a break. The thuds from above the mountain said otherwise. My eyes went wide as I looked at Ria. "Guess we found him after all", she sped her pace.

"How long do we have?", I asked.

"Less than five minutes. Hurry", she sped up. I took a deep breath and ran up the mountain. I had to take a few breaks but I made it to the cave.

"Where he is?", I was panting when I saw Ria alone.

"He left already. Jump if you don't want to be here for another twelve hours"

I jumped into the flowing water and landed on water again. "We made it", I smiled at Ria.

"Yeah, we did. Time to find Ketan"

"Do you know where he could have been?"

"I know exactly where he is. My place"

"Why would he be at your place?", I was confused.

"That's because my place was our hangout whenever the siblings visited. Do you wanna keep asking questions or wanna go to my house?"

"Your house", I quickly answered, getting out of the water.

I found a rabbit running around and I immediately caught it. It wasn't much but it gave me enough energy to run. We ran and reached Ria's house in a few minutes. I heard heavy breathing inside. "Is that Ketan inside?", my eyes went wide.

"All yours", she opened the door.

I quickly found the room he was in and opened the door. "Ketan?", I asked.

He looked at me. His eyes were filled with hurt and anger. He was sitting in the corner of the room with dried blood on him. He grunted in response and looked down.

I sat down infront of him, "I didn't mean what I said. I'm not scared of you"

He shook his head and looked away. "Do you want me to leave", I asked. He didn't respond. "Just say something. Talk to me. Scream, growl, anything". No response again.

My eyes started tearing up. None of this was supposed to happen. I slowly reached over to his chin and gently lifted his face up. The anger in his eyes was gone. All I could see was sadness. He slowly got up and wrapped his arms around me. He leaned forward and kissed my lips. A smile spread across my face. He pulled back and stared into my eyes.

"What are you thinking", I gave a tiny smile.

"About how I almost lost you", his voice was raspy.

"You can never lose me, Ketan. I am yours and you are mine. Nothing can change that"

A smile spread across his lips now. I sighed in relief. "I'm sorry I lost control. My instincts overtook when I saw you in danger"

"It's fine. Both of us are safe. It's all that matters", I decided to not bring up whatever Ria told me about his past.

"I am also sorry about the way I reacted. I was just so angry and when you told him that you were scared of me, I couldn't handle it. Were you really scared of me?"

"A little, yes. It was the first time I saw any vampire lose it like that so I was in shock". His face turned into a frown. "I'm not scared now. I love you, Ketan. Nothing can scare me from you. Not even you", I let out a small chuckle in the end.

"I won't lose it again, I promise. Contrary to Sid's belief, I can treat you right", he gave me a small peck on the lips.

"Forget about him. The chapter containing him is closed in our lives. How about a shower?", I asked.

"Together?", he smirked.

"Maybe", I grinned.

He got into the bathroom and I heard water running. I heard Ria's footsteps leaving. I dropped my clothes in the basket and walked into the shower. "I was beginning to think 'maybe' meant no", he turned to me and kept staring.

Damn! He is hot when water is dripping down on his body. I cleared my throat, "Figured you would need some help", I quickly grabbed a shampoo.

"Ofcourse", he wrapped one arm around me and pulled me closer.

"What are you doing?", I felt my cheeks grow warmer by the second.

"Nothing", he leaned forward and kissed me gently. I dropped the shampoo bottle and wrapped my hands around his head, running my fingers through his hair.

"You're mine!", he growled and pinned me against the wall, roughening his kisses. I wrapped my legs around him, tightening my grip on him.

"You wanna do it here?", I asked. He shook his head and took me to the bed. My instincts were pushing me to do something but I didn't know what. When my eyes landed on his neck, all I could think was biting him.

I titled his head to the side and started sucking on his neck. He looked surprised but realised what I was doing. My canines grew and I bit down on his neck. Warm blood was in my mouth. It tasted way sweeter than before. I wanted more.

Before I could bite again, he pinned me down on the bed and ran his canines up and down my neck. I whined in response. I wanted him to bite me. He dug his canines into my neck and I could feel the blood flow. I could feel our bond strengthen.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?", he looked into my eyes with his eyes full of lust.


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