All hell breaks lose

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After fixing things between us, me and Ketan went back to the mansion. Before we even knew what was going on, Malay sped over to us and stood in an intimidating stance, "Where did you go?", he growled at both of us.

"We were fixing things between us", Ketan said. It wasn't a lie.

"Does it take this long to fix your stupid relationship?", he growled again.

"Hey! We were taking our time. You have no business involving in our life", I spat.

"Ketan, you skipped training", Malay said, as if he was trying to find a way to take his anger out on us.

"Well, Yash sent me to you for my training and he can decide when I skip training", Ketan grinned smugly.

"And why would he do that?", he raised an eyebrow.

"If she falls in love with Ketan, she can drink his blood and her blood tastes better", Yash shrugged.

"Bullshit! Do you seriously want me to believe that?", Malay scoffed.

"Leave the kids alone. We have work to do", Yash got irritated.

"Follow me, kid", Malay looked at Ketan before speeding to the basement. Me and Ketan shared a sad smile before he followed Malay.

"Report", Yash said impatiently.

"If you are expecting any news on Nina, I am sorry. She isn't there". He frowned. "We'll figure out a way", I shrugged.

"It was my last chance. Every other way was a dead end", he looked down with sadness in his eyes.

"If you don't mind, why do you care about Nina? I mean, I know she was a tool to get Ketan to join your army but he is already a part of your army. Why would you care?", I asked.

His head shot up in my direction. His once sad eyes turned to angry eyes. In one swift motion, he grabbed me by my throat and pinned me against a tree. "You had one job. That was to be my assistant, not ask questions. Do your bloody job", he growled in my ear.

"S-st- l-let g-go", I choked.

"If all of you do your bloody job correctly, I don't need to have spies to spy on my spies". With that, I heard a whoosh and I collapsed on the ground. I took deep breaths for a few seconds before looking up.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her!", Ketan growled. Yash was on the ground while Ketan stood between us in a defensive stance.

"How dare you fight me?!", Yash got up and pinned Ketan against a tree.

I quickly pushed him back. "Stay away from him!", I shouted.

"Do you think you can defeat me?", Yash scoffed before using vamp speed to tackle both of us. "I am stronger than both of you put together and I can beat you to dust in a matter of seconds. Understood?", he growled.

Keran pushed him away. "You tormented my sister for decades. I won't let you do the same to my mate. Even if it means you kill me"

"I..", Yash stood there, speechless. "I didn't torment her", he said slowly.

Malay walked over to us, still trying to find a reason to get his anger out on us. "Apparently, kidnapping her, terrorizing the only family she has left doesn't count as torment", he muttered. It was crystal clear to our vamp ears.

"You know why I did what I did", Yash spat at him.

"That still doesn't defend what you did to his sister", Malay rolled his eyes.

"Let's talk about what you did to my sister", I said through gritted teeth.

"Your sister is not part of this equation", he said in a duh tone.

"Let me rephrase that. Let's talk about what you did to your mate"

"What?", he asked surprised, "My mate? Who? How? What?"


"How?", he was still shocked.

"Wait, Sameera is your mate?", Yash asked Malay.

"You didn't know?", I raised an eyebrow at Yash.

"Okay, hold on", Ketan stepped forward, "Your sister Sameera is Malay's mate and Yash didn't know that. How exactly did Yash know about your sister? And isn't she supposed to be missing?"

"I thought she was. Yash turned her into a vampire. That's how he knew me", I said through gritted teeth.

Yash shot Malay a glare. "Look, I can explain-", Malay started.

Yash cut him off, "Explain what, Malay? Two decades. That's how long you two have known each other and you decided to keep it from me"

"That's against the rules. I just didn't want to lose her", he looked down.

I looked at Ketan for help. "Warriors of his army can't have mates in his army. They can either lose their mates or their lives", he explained.

"That sounds awful", I whispered back.

"You wouldn't send her out of group and I couldn't handle being around her and not being with her. You left me with no choice", Malay spat.

"That was for everybody else. You are my brother. Exceptions can be made for brothers", Yash said with a hint of anger in his voice.

Before Malay could reply, I did, "Yeah and brothers have a third person spy on them because they think their brother kidnapped a person", I snorted.

Now Ketan was the most confused person on the planet.

Malay's eyes went wide, "You thought.... How?"

"Your actions were suspicious", Yash shrugged.

"You call me brother and the moment it comes to the woman you love, suddenly I'm not your brother anymore. I'm the villain", Malay clenched his fists.

"That's not how it happened"

"That's exactly how it happened, Yash", Malay spat. "Now I'm wondering. Is she really missing or are you playing another one of your stupid games?", Malay asked.

"No matter how many games I play, I won't lie to you about something like that and you know it", Yash shouted angrily.

"I do? Really? That's why you had her spy on me?", Malay raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, I had her spy on you. Yes, I didn't trust you. Do I regret it? Yes. Will I do it again? Absolutely. I will stop at nothing till I get her back", Yash growled and Malay was dumbstruck.

Tension filled the air till Yash broke it, "If you want to be my brother and my best warrior, then help me. We can make heads roll. If you don't, you can leave with your mate and have fun at a nice beach house"

"I'm staying", Malay declared. Yash smirked but it was quickly wiped away by Malay's next statement. "On a condition"

"What is it?"

"If I stay, Sameera stays too. That's non negotiable"

Yash smiled, "Go get your woman"

Malay sped off the forest without needing another word. Yash sped into the house. Probably to the library with stupid books.

"That was awkward", Ketan breathed out.

"You need to know something", I said slowly"

"What is it?"

"Yash didn't take Nina. She is really missing"

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