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"You love to drink vampire blood, huh? Let's see how you will enjoy this", Yash growled and opened the curtain.

The sun rays hit my skin and there was no warmth. There was only fire. My skin ignited like a match stick. I was burning before I even realised it. I let out a scream of pain. I tried to speak something but the only thing I could get out was a scream.

Yash closed the curtain and threw his jacket on me before I could die. The jacket put out the fire but my body still felt like it was on fire. I couldn't even stand. I collapsed on the ground.

Yash bent down and harshly whispered in my ear, "If you ever even think of drinking Vampire blood, especially my blood, we are going to have this talk more times than you could even comprehend. Understood?", he growled. I let out a whimper in reply.

I curled up into a ball and let the tears roll down. It took a few minutes for my body to heal completely but it still felt like I was burning. I dragged myself to my room, wrapped a blanket around my body and sat on my bed.

What did I ever do to deserve this? I never asked to be a vampire. My choice was made for me. I never asked Ketan to feed me his blood. He did it all by himself. Why am I being punished for something that I had no control of?

I don't know how long I have been staring off into space when I heard a knock on the door. I didn't respond. Ketan opened the door and stood there. "I heard what happened", he said.

I didn't reply. He walked in and sat on the bed. "Whatever happened was my fault. I told him that. You were really weak and I couldn't see you in that state. I am sorry", Ketan said with guilt in his voice.

I couldn't care less. "Get out", I said.

"You heard the lady. Get out", Yash said, standing at the door. I flinched at the last memory we shared together. Ketan opened his mouth to say something but quickly left the room when he saw Yash entering the room.

"How are you feeling?", Yash asked, clearly disinterested in my answer.

"Why do you act like you care?", I looked away.

"I don't. I have a news to tell you regardless of how you feel. If you recovered from the shock, it would be better for you"

"What is it?", I asked.

"You are no longer my assistant. You will be my blood pet", he declared.

"Blood pet? What's that supposed to mean?", I asked.

"It means, everyday you are going to let me feed on you without making a fuss about it", he explained.

"But that's not what we agreed", I said a little scared.

"Do I look like I care? I turned you to make you my blood pet and that's what you will be from now. A blood pet", he said and left.

I was left alone with my feelings and opinions all over the place. I had to get them together and throw them in the trash can because they didn't matter anymore. Few more hours and I will be no less than a slave.

I laid down on my bed, facing the ceiling. I heard tales about vampires having humans as blood pets or slaves but never heard of a vampire having another vampire as a blood pet. The tales cover the most horrifying part. The abuse.

A human would take way longer than a vampire to heal. Signs of abuse can be seen clearly. For a vampire, it's tricky. We heal quick but before we start healing, we endure the same pain that humans do.

Even if someone gets to know what's happening, there isn't much they can do anyway. Yash is probably and oldest and strongest. Noone can dare go against him.

Yash was standing in front of me. I couldn't move. He wrapped his arm around me and went for my neck. I could feel the pain when his fangs pierced my skin but I couldn't move. I could feel the blood dripping down but I couldn't do anything about it.

When he was satisfied with what he got he pushed me to the side. I landed next to an open window. My skin was set on fire and I felt the pain over and over again. The pain woke me up from my dream.

It was all a dream. I breathed heavily trying to calm down and not think about my dream. It took me a while to calm down. My dream could one day become reality. He would go for my neck and then when I would no longer be of use to him, he would push me in the sunlight.

I looked out the window. An hour till sunrise. I decided to make the most out of my last one hour on the earth before letting the pain engulf me. Instead of living in fear of when he would push me in the sunlight, I decided to do it myself and end it once and for all.

I walked out of the mansion and looked at the forest. Even though it's dark, I could clearly see everything. One of the perks of being a vampire. I looked at the brightly lit sky. I let the night wrap me in its darkness while I sprinted.

I reminded myself that it would beast time I could ever do this. It pushed me to enjoy and live every moment of it. When I was satisfied with my run, I went back to the mansion. I climbed the roof and sat there, waiting for sunrise. A few more minutes and it would all be over.

The sun rose, hitting the tallest peaks of the island. This is it! The moment I have been waiting for! It's only a matter of time before it reaches me and takes me with it. I closed my eyes and waited for sunlight to reach me.

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