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I have been training with Malay for days and followed his every move. Nothing seemed suspicious.

"Report", Yash said like the way he did for the past one month.

"He trained me, took a break for blood, back to training. Then he trained Ketan, did something in the basement and went to bed. Aren't you tired of getting the same report everyday for thirty days?", I asked getting restless.

"Any minor variation can change things for me. Do as I asked you to", he spat at me.

"I noticed something out of ordinary", I finally said.

"Why did you wait this long? Tell me what it is", he asked impatiently.

"These thirty days were out of ordinary", I declared.

"What do you mean? Are you out of your mind? This is no time for jokes", he growled.

"Just hear me out", I rolled my eyes. He nodded. "When I followed him with Ketan, he reached an enclosure. We didn't get in. Malay didn't visit it even once. He might have visited during nights. I am not sure"

"Can you take me there?", Yash asked. I shook my head. "Are you kidding me?", he shouted angrily.

"Relax, Hulk. Just because I am loyal to you, doesn't mean I trust you, because I don't. I will report to you but I don't trust you to not play with lives when we reach there", I concluded.

"You are the only one who admitted it to me", he sounded surprised.

"I have nothing to lose", I shrugged.

"I trust your loyalty. Go investigate", Yash smiled for the first time in days.

Even though I remember the paths I travelled, I was more focused on following Malay and less focused on finding my way back. There's only one person who can help me now. Ketan.

"Got a minute?", I asked Ketan, who was moving things around. He looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"Yeah, what's up?", he smiled. His face instantly brightened up.

"Am I interrupting anything?", I asked.

"No, no. I was just messing around", he cleared some space for me to sit down.

"I was wondering if we could go to the place we went, following Malay"

"If Malay of Yash catch us, we are as good as dead"

"Yash will distract Malay. I forgot the way. I was hoping you could take me there", I gave him as little details as possible.

"Why would Yash distract Malay?", Ketan furrowed his eyebrows.

"Because he knows we are going there", I said, unsure of his reaction.

He thought for a moment, "So, does he listen to you now?"

"No, it's not like that. I can't tell you anything now but I will explain everything soon", I sounded more desperate than intended.

"Alright. Let's go", he got up.

He lead the way to the abandoned house. "Thank you. Wait here", I whispered when we were about twenty metres from the house.

My time with Malay allowed me to perfectly mimic his footsteps. I went to the enclosure mimicking Malay's footsteps. When I got inside, I heard a voice, "What took you so long? I've been waiting for a while"

The female voice sounded familiar. It wasn't Nina. It seemed like I knew the voice my entire life. I gasped in realisation. It can't be her, can it?

"What's wrong, bae?", the female walked out. She was shocked to see me. "Who are you?", she stood in a defensive stance.

Tears slid down my face as I saw my sister, in flesh, after all these years. "Sameera?", I croaked out.

Her eyes widened in shock as he recognised me, "A-Amaira?", she asked. I nodded, wiping the tears that couldn't seem to stop flowing. She gave me the biggest hug she could ever give. "What are you doing here? Why do you look so young? Are you...?", she couldn't bring herself to finish the question.

I nodded with a chuckle, "Vampire. Yes"

"I am so sorry, Amaira. I left you when you needed me"

"It's okay. You are here now. I am just glad you are alive. I still can't believe you are here", I chuckled in disbelief as more tears slid down my cheek.

"It's dangerous. You need to leave", she said snapping me out of the reunion happiness.

"I have backup. Don't worry"

"No, you don't understand. A 900 year old vampire-"

I cut her off, "Malay?", I asked. She nodded in shock. "If he is holding you hostage, let me know. I know someone who is more than willing to murder his ass", I said bitterly.

"No, don't. He isn't a threat. I, uh, I love him", she looked down.

"Then why are you here?", I asked confused.

"Long story", she sighed.

"Believe me. I have all the time in the world", I chuckled.

"When I was still human, I met a guy named Yash. He was everything I ever wanted in a guy. He was perfect. We were together for almost a year when I discovered that he was a vampire. My life was a mess", she chuckled, remembering the past and continued, "Anyway, I requested him for a pretty long time to make me a vampire. When he realised my human life was a mess, he turned me into a vampire", she finished the first part of her long journey.

"I don't know how you are gonna respond but, Yash is the one who turned me too. He said he watched me for years before turning me. Now I understand how", I sighed.

"Wait, Yash turned you?", she asked, shocked. I nodded. "When?"

"On my 22nd birthday. I didn't know about that till I met him under different circumstances but that's a different story"

"How could you not know he turned you?", she asked.

"Well, he wasn't there when I woke up as a vampire and never came back", I shrugged.

"Who taught you everything then?"

"I learnt some by trial and error. Some was taught by weird lunatics I met on my journey", I sighed thinking about them.

"Do I even want to know?", she raised an eyebrow. I shook my head. "I can't believe he just left you. I think it's my fault", she put her hand over her head.

"How is it your fault?", I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"I was rushing him to leave. I didn't know I was ruining your life. I am sorry. Somebody's coming. Quick hide", she whisper shouted.

It was Ketan's footsteps. "It's fine. I know him", I reassured her.

"Is everything alright? You took a lot of time", Ketan walked inside.

"Yeah, everything's fine. It will be a while before I come out. Why don't you go back to the mansion? I will find my way back", I said.

"Are you sure? I can wait if you want"

"I am sure", I turned back to my sister. I heard Ketan's footsteps retreating.

"So...", Sameera grinned, "How are things with your mate?", she gave me a mischievous grin.

"What?", I asked dumbfounded.

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