Terrible Mistake

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I woke up to a sore neck. Again. People need to stop breaking necks. My neck popped when I stretched before walking out.

I found a letter at the door step. It was from Ketan.

Dear Amaira,
                     I am sorry I had to do what I did. You were out of control and it was the only way. I am going to leave you alone for a few moments. I hope you forgive me.


He had to do what he did? I was out of control? What the heck happened? I stood there horrified as I remembered the events from before.

I fed on Ketan. His blood was like a drug to me. The minute his blood touched my lips, I lost it. I craved for more. Why on earth did that happen?

I went out of my room so the memory would haunt me less. I saw Yash sitting there with blood in his cup. When did he start drinking from cup instead of draining bodies? He lifted his gaze from his book to me.

"I didn't know you were up there", he said.

"I didn't know you were down here", I shrugged.

"How did you even get out of those shackles?", he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"It's not the first time I was shackled and left to fend for myself. This time I knew where the tools were and I had help", I shrugged.

He went back to his book, disinterested in the conversation. "I made a decision", I said.

"Do I want to know?", his gaze didn't leave his book.

"Yes, actually you would because this involves you", I said fiddling with my fingers.

He set the book and the cup down. "I am listening"

"I want to help you", I said looking down.

"Help me?", he let out a chuckle. "That was a good one", he picked up his cup.

"No, I mean, I want to join your army but not really army", I struggled to find exact words to describe it.

"You are wasting my time", he growled impatiently.

I took a deep breath, "Okay, I think I can explain. I want to be a part of whatever you are doing but I don't want to fight. I can keep an eye open for the enemies, pass information and stuff like that". I tried my best to act like I know what I was saying.

He took a few seconds to think. "Like a spy?", he asked.

"With right training, sure", I nodded.

"You do realise it's more dangerous than being a fighter, right?", he asked.

"I am not scared of death. I just don't like to be involved in a fight. If time comes, I will not hesitate to fight but I try my best to stay out of it", I said sounding confident.

"We have no need for spies at the moment or in the near future. What do you propose your position should be?", he leaned back, crossing his arms.

"I can be your assistant. Kind of like how human words works. You can tell me what you want me to remind you or the things you want me to schedule. I will do that till the need for a spy arises", I said.

"What's the catch?"

"There's no catch"

He started to grow suspicious. "Why the sudden interest in being a part of what I do?"

I shrugged, "After today, I figured it's best to work with you than against you"

"How do I know where your loyalty lies?", he stood up.

"Three weeks ago, I didn't even know any of you. I had no need to be loyal to anyone. Then I met the siblings. Before I could pledge my loyalty to them, one went missing and the other pledged his loyalty to you. You seem to know everything about me. It's a surprise you even had to ask"

A grin crept across his face. It's not a smirk. It was a proud grin. "Bold. That's what I expected from you. You can shift your things to the room connected to mine. I will tell you what you need to do tomorrow", he said and went to another room.

I shifted all my belongings to my new room before night fall. Not that there were many things to shift anyway. As soon as the sun set, I went on a run. The cool breeze was soothing. I wished I could stay there forever.

Soon the sun rose and I was forced back inside the mansion. My first day as an assistant started. I got ready and saw my boss with another book and another cup in his hand.

"I am ready", I said.

"Great. Now sort all the books alphabetically and arrange them in the shelves", he said.

"Which books?", I asked.

"The library is that way", he pointed in the direction he left the previous day.

There can't be that many books, right? Wrong! It looked like a mountain of books. It took me forever just to sort one shelf and there were a lot more remaining.

It was almost noon and all I managed to was club the books starting with A, B, C, D and E. Why on earth are there these many books? I have no idea.

"You can take a break if you want", Yash said.

I turned around to find him with his blood cup. I kept staring at him, like I was drawn to him. "I want your blood", I had no control of what I said.

"There is a bottle in the fridge. While you are on your way, bring me some too. My cup is almost empty"

"No, I want your blood", I said shocking him.

"As in the blood flowing through my veins?", he chuckled.

"I am serious. I drank Ketan's blood yesterday and now all I can ever imagine drinking is vampire blood. You have been around for a while. I am sure your blood tastes a lot better than Ketan's"

Without any reply, he used his vamp speed to grab me and drag me to the nearest window. "You love to drink vampire blood, huh? Let's see how you will enjoy this", he growled and opened the curtain.

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