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I ran into the forest, not bothering to close the compound gate. I couldn't care less about the rabbits escaping. I took one last glance at the mansion, my home, before disappearing into the trees.

I should have checked the distance beforehand. I ran using my full speed till I needed to catch my breath. I continued on a fast jog for hours before I reached the shore.

The oceans looked beautiful a few hours before sunrise. This ocean had no big waves. The others would reach my knee when they were at their peak. No wonder Ashley recommended inflatable raft instead of wooden boat or something. Or maybe the best she could offer was a raft?

I wasted no time in enjoying the scenery. I quickly untided the rope and pulled the raft out. I regret placing the pump at the bottom. I removed all the clothes and placed them in sleeping bag. I was extra careful about not getting them dirty. I pumped the raft and packed everything. This time, the pump found its place in the middle of my bag.

I kept travelling for days. I wasn't sure where I was going. Direct exposure to sun in open space made me regret not buying a blanket. I covered my face with a t-shirt and slid my hands in hoodie pockets most of my time on water. I decided to save rabbit blood and do a little bit of hunting.

I jumped off the raft one night and caught a fish. I threw it into the raft and went back to catch more. All the exposure made me hungry and I craved for blood. Fish didn't have much blood but it did taste good. I had to catch several fish to match a rabbit.

I entered the territory of a shark. Little did I know that sharks were territorial. I could take down any predator on land but under water? I couldn't take any chances.

My scene of smell on land was a boon for hunting. Water and hunting didn't add up. This reminds me... I should have bought a fishing gear. What's the point in regretting?

I knew I couldn't cook floating on water so I didn't bother packing a stove or utensils. I tossed the dead fish back into the ocean. Little did I know about the consequences.

I felt something was stalking me. I glanced down and saw nothing. Before I knew it, something pushed my raft from underneath and it flipped. I wasn't a great swimmer. Heck, I couldn't even hold my breath for more a few seconds. I knew I had to act fast.

I took a deep breath and went underwater. The changes allowed me to move easily underwater without much effort. The shark charged and I managed to swim upwards, getting hold of its dorsal fin. It was moving forward and I held it. My hands were on either sides of its gills. I punched them and the shark stopped moving. It shook itself ferrociously but I didn't budge.

My punch force wasn't strong enough even after my boosted energy. I used my razor sharp nails to cut through the gills. All the bloodshed attracted another couple of sharks. My day was nowhere near good. I used my nails to make as many cuts as possible in hope of the shark bleeding to death.

The other two sharks charged in my direction and I swam upwards leaving the shark. One of them bit the wounded shark's head and the other finished the business. I swiftly tuned the raft and put my bag on it. I rowed with all my strength to get out of hunting grounds.

I was glad that I tied my backpack to the raft and that it was waterproof. I didn't realise that my skin was actually burning till I paid attention to it. I reached for my glasses and nothing, they are gone. How could I lose them? How did I lose them? I was wrestling a shark and running away from other two... Right....

Going back for the glasses wasn't worth it. I opened my backpack and pulled out another shirt and my spare set of glasses. This is it! I lose this and I am confined to darkness. Stupid sharks! Why did they have to come? I would have searched the area if it wasn't for the other two uninvited guests. Worst part? I killed a shark and I didn't even get to drink it's blood.

Well, I can always kill another shark now that I know I can but it wasn't worth the risk. The bloodshed attracted unwanted attention. I kept tabs on my garbage disposal. I didn't mind washing my raft everytime I throw away dead fish if that means I don't get to wrestle sharks and stay alive.

I kept sailing for days. Thankfully, the rest of my sail was uneventful. I finally reached the shore. Thank goodness! I removed air from my raft and swiftly packed it. The beach had a forest and I smiled to myself.

I checked into a nearby hotel and went for a midnight run. I met more people of my kind and learned a lot about myself.

The rate of my healing was what surprised me the most. My dislocated bones relocate within seconds. At first, I thought I sprained my ankle but after I dislocated my arm, I knew the first time wasn't a sprain. A broken bone takes a few minutes to set and is most painful but a dislocated bone pops back into position without me doing anything.

What surprised me even more was comparison in healing rates. You can relocate a dislocated bone faster than you can heal from bullet wound. Fascinating right? In case you are wondering, yes, I got shot, twice, or was it thrice? Two situations and three bullets.

I wasn't quite prepared the first time so I took two shots before fleeing the crime scene. The second time, I was careful and since it was day time humans had an advantage. I was collateral damage the second time. Really.

One lame ass was trying to shoot someone and his aim was great enough to hit me when his target was ten feet away from me. No, the target wasn't behind me, she was beside me. I thought my cover was blown but nope! He was trying to shoot another vampire.

Oh yes! The interesting discovery! I found what they call my kind. We are called vampires. Cool, right?

What about the other vampires I met, you may ask. Well, let's just say that they don't bring good memories and I don't like to talk about them. In simple terms, I would like to punch their face next time I meet them which is probably never.

There were a few good ones but they didn't like to travel. The ones that I traveled with certainly did deserve a punch in the face. It's my fourth time escaping company and no one had managed to track me down. I hope these maniacs don't bother trying too.

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