Bloody Beginning

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I woke up with a terrible headache. I felt as if someone just hit my head with a hammer, waited for me to heal and hit my head again. I glanced around to find myself on a bed in a huge dark room. I have never been there. I was too tired to really care about it.

The warm and sticky feeling on my hands made me realise that I have other things to worry about than being in an unknown dark room. Not much amount of light was in the room so I couldn't exactly see what's on my hands.

I saw a window at the corner of the room and headed that way. The curtains were carefully placed to allow minimum amount of light. I didn't bother moving the curtain since the tiny opening allowed more light than I would appreciate.

I looked outside the window. There was a huge garden or something which looked like a garden. Mini forest would be appropriate. A huge gate and compound wall seperated what looks like an actual forest from the psuedo forest. From the size of everything, I assumed that I was in a room on first storey.

The world outside didn't interest me so I decided to find a door and find a way so I can get out of this creepy place. My glance fell on my hands. I gasped in shock and horror as I saw the sticky substance on my palms. I-Its... It's.... BLOOD!!

How did blood end up on my hands? No part of my body was in pain. Judging by the amount of blood, I wasn't sure of any possibilities. I smelled it just to make sure that it was blood and not some look alike for a sick prank. It smelled weird. Not that I had a way of knowing if it wasn't blood because I never smelt it.

Just seeing the blood on my hands made me want to puke. The only thing I want to do more than finding out how it reached my hands is finding a way to wash it off.

I looked around the room. It took my eyes some time to adjust to the darkness. Seconds later, I spotted a door and opened it. It was as if the door knew what I wanted. It lead to a bathroom.

I went to a wash basin and quickly washed my hands. My hands feel a lot better. I turned my head to find a shower head. I glanced at myself and decided to grab a shower before heading outside. Surprisingly, my headache reduced to a dull pounding which I could ignore. I wore my previous clothes since I didn't have anything to change into.

I went back to the bedroom and it seemed darker. I had to squint my eyes to even comprehend distant objects. I took the help of wall to find another door and the number of doors in this room started to piss me off already.

One door lead to a closet with no clothes in it. Another door lead to a dressing room. The next door lead to another room with just a bed and bed lamp. This is annoying. I reached a huge door and had a hard time opening it.

I finally managed to open the huge door and it lead to a hall way. Finally an exit! I walked down the hall and reached stairs. More walking. Great! Atleast I know I will be out of this creepy house.

The moment I reached the bottom of my stairs, I felt a sharp pain shoot through my head. It was sudden and I hadn't expected it. To top it off, my gums started aching too. What's going on? This place is creepy. I grasped the railing and sat on stairs grabbing my head.

A few minutes later my headache reduced but the pain my gums was still present. I felt extremely thirsty and went into what looked like a kitchen to find water. I drank a bottle full of water but that didn't quench my thirst. I felt a slight burning in my throat and I could do no nothing to stop it.

I decided to get out of this creepy place before something worse happens to me. It was bright from the stairs and it didn't take me long to find the exit. As expected, it was another huge door. What's with mansions and huge doors, anyway? I could never understand.

As expected, it took most of my strength to open and... YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!! It's dark outside. It's FREAKING dark outside. Can my luck get any worse? Considering everything my answer is yes.

I looked outside and decided that the forest didn't seem that bad either. I went outside and headed towards the compound gate. The trees gave me creeps so I decided against opening the gate. I wanted to head back inside the mansion as it atleast gave me a roof over my head.

I turned my head to spot the thing which caught my attention from the corner of my eye. It's a rabbit, an injured rabbit. Something about it wanted me to get close to it. I didn't know what. It wasn't any desire to help it. All I knew was that I had to get close to it.

Every muscle in my body wanted me to open the gate and head outside. I went to the rabbit and.... I felt something. I am not sure what's that. The burning in my throat increased. My eyes fell on the rabbit's injured leg. It was bleeding.

Every part of my body was pushing me to grab the rabbit and taste it's blood. Surprisingly, the idea didn't seem gross. A few minutes ago I wouldn't have considered it and now I could see my hands grabbing the rabbit without me being aware of it.

It didn't take long for my conscious brain to give in and feed on rabbit's blood. It was... Sweet and tasty. The burning sensation in my throat completely disappeared with the taste of blood. The headache and gum ache also disappeared like magic.

I could feel something poking my lower lip. I felt it and was my tooth. Nothing got stuck to my gums. It was my tooth. It was attached to my gums. My canines grew in size to match the ones of a predator. What's going on? What am I changing into? Is this a bad dream? I really hope it is. I hope I wake up on my bed without blood and all this becomes a dream.

I closed my eyes and opened it. The horrific sight of forest welcomed me back. Fear got the best of me and I ran into the mansion. What was I thinking? The mansion was root of my problems. If only I hadn't woken up in that room with blood on my hands....

There is no denying the changes. It's happening and it's real. I slowly managed to cry myself to sleep on the couch.

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