Falling into place

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"Your mate", Sameera looked like I was a weirdo.

"How did you know?", I asked surprised.

"Oh, please. As if it isn't obvious. Anyone can tell by the way he looks at you. He seems like a pretty jealous one", she grinned.

"We have better things to talk about", I looked away.

"Like what?", she asked like there was nothing else to talk about.

"Like why you are stuck here or why you never tried to reach out to me or basically anything in this universe", I threw my hands up in air, rolling my eyes.

"I am stuck here for reasons I can't tell right now. I didn't reach out because I didn't want you to get stuck in this mess but I can see it didn't work. Now can we go back to your mate, please?", she gave me puppy eyes.

"You don't know what he did. Can we just drop it please?", I pleaded.

Her face turned serious. "Did he cheat on you? If the answer is yes, I will rip him to shreds", she said in her sisterly protective way.

"No, he didn't. He fed me his blood"

"Well, that's a good thing. It shows that he loves you"

"No, it doesn't. I was thrown in the sunlight by Yash because I was craving vampire blood", I sighed.

"Wait, so you don't love that guy?", she raised an eyebrow. I shook my head. "Wow. Just wow"

"What?", I groaned.

"The only vampire's blood you can drink without burning in the sun is your mate's blood. I haven't seen anyone who got burnt because they drank vampire blood", she said thoughtfully.

"It's because I don't love him. What's your point?", I asked impatiently.

"Didn't you hear what I said? I said I haven't seen anyone. Which means, everybody loves their mates. Why don't you love him?", she raised an eyebrow.

"Because he fed me his blood", I said in a duh tone.

"You don't see my point, sister. Why didn't you love him before the whole thing happened? It's hard to believe that he fed you his blood the first time you met", she crossed her arms.

"So you are blaming all of this on me? I didn't even know he was my mate. I was freaking out. Then he feeds me his blood because I was weak. Do you know how many times I threw up because of it?", I snapped.

"Calm down. Let me think", she paused for a few seconds and looked at me, "If things were different, would you have liked him?"

"What?", I asked dumbfounded.

"If you found out about your mate under better circumstances and this whole blood feeding didn't happen, would you have liked him?", she asked.

"Probably. Why does it matter?", I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Then it's your best shot. Start fresh. He is probably battling his instincts everyday to stay away from you. If it wasn't for your stupid stubbornness, you would have been fighting your instincts too", she chuckled to herself.

"What do you mean fighting instincts?", I asked confused.

"Well, when you find your mate, it's hard to stay away from them or imagine them getting hurt but when you exchange blood, it's near to impossible to keep your hands off them", she blushed a little.

"It was hard for me to hate him. Contrary to what you or he thinks, I wasn't happy when he was sad", I admitted.

"What are you waiting for? Go get him", she patted my arm, encouragingly.

"It doesn't matter. He probably hates me for being cold to him for the past month", I shrugged.

"No, he doesn't. Your mate is the only person who doesn't hate you and will stand by you no matter what. Now end this nonsense and make things right"

"Thank you, sis. I will be back soon", I gave her a quick hug before speeding out.

I saw Ketan fiddling with the twig in his hand. "Is everything alright?", he asked when he saw me. His voice was filled with worry. Worry for me.

"You're still here", I let out a nervous chuckle.

"Yeah. Were you expecting me to leave?", he asked a little sad.

I didn't see it before but his eyes were filled with pain and it was caused by me. It's like it broke him when I didn't want to be with or around him. "No, I just didn't think you would stay when I told you I would be late", I walked over to him slowly.

"I just thought you would need me to find the way back, you know?", he shrugged.

"It's good that you stayed. I want to talk to you about something", I bit my lip, nervously.

"Is everything alright?", his voice was filled with concern.

"Everything's fine. I just wanted to talk about... us"

His eyes went wide, "Oh, umm, okay. If you don't want to ever see me again, I can pull some strings and arrange that. I can-"

I cut him off, "Ketan, no. I don't want that to happen. Why are you pessimistic?", I sighed.

"Can't hurt to expect the worst", he smiled, making me smile.

"I want us to forget about that day and if you can, please forget all the times I ignored you and was rude to you when you are trying to help", I waited for him to reply. It felt like an eternity.

"Before forgetting, I want you to know something", he said.

"If it has anything to do with why you did what you did, don't tell me. Your instincts were crazy and me being on survival mode didn't help any", I shrugged.

"So... What do you want to do?", he asked.

"I don't know. I mustered the courage to tell you that I want to start fresh. You tell me"

"You want to start fresh?", he asked surprised.

"By forgetting everything, that's what I meant", I blushed.

He moved closer to me and I tried to avoid eye contact. I closed my eyes and could feel him getting closer. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead, making me exhale in relief.

"You don't know how much this means to me. Thank you", he smiled stepping back.

"Let's go back before Yash sends a search party for us", I chuckled and moved in the direction of mansion.

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