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I struggled to open my eyes in this new place. It was cold and the floor was damp. My hands and neck were still burning. I tried to move around a little but my hands were restrained. I slowly opened my eyes and the place was dark. I tried to sit up but something was inserted in my neck. I winced in pain.

"Don't move", I heard a weak whisper.

"I'm not healing and it hurts like a bitch", I whispered back.

"I'm sorry. Carrying me covered you in sage"


"Yes", she breathed out.

"We need to get out of here", I pulled on the restraints and there was a shooting pain in my neck.

"Don't struggle"

"I can't stay here. I can't. I need to get out. I can't stay here", I whispered frantically as tears began rolling down my cheeks. My mind drifted to this morning. Ketan didn't want me to leave. I told him I would be back before sunrise. Now I don't even know if I can make it out alive.

"Are you listening?", I heard Nina's voice.

"Sorry. What were you saying?"

"We will get water in a few minutes or probably hours. I want you to pour it on your neck. You will heal soon", she said before gasping for air. It was as if it took all of her energy just to speak.

"You are too weak to speak. Save your energy"

"I know you miss your mate-"

I cut her off, "Stop. Just the thought of being away from him hurts"

"I know but only he can keep your sanity intact. This place can make you see things and break you. Be cautious", she warned.

"I don't plan on staying here long enough for that. We are getting out tonight, no matter what", I whispered before something else was injected in my neck again. This time, I lost consciousness.

"Aira, wake up. We are going out. Get up", I heard someone shake me. I grunted in reply. "Aira, come on", I heard the voice again. Only one person would call me Aira.

"K-Ketan?", I croaked out.

"Yes, it's me. I'm here to get you home", he wrapped one arm around me and another under my knees.

"Nina", I whispered.

"I know she was here. She is safe. I'm here for you", he picked me up. I wanted nothing more than to get out of here. I wrapped my hands around his neck and leaned against his chest.

He sped outside and I could feel the air hit my face as I tasted the joy of freedom. I relaxed completely in my mate's arms. I wanted to stay there forever.

"Not so fast!", I heard a growl before I was rolling harshly in the dirt. My head hit a tree hard enough for my skull to break. I didn't care. I would heal anyway. My priority was finding Ketan and getting the hell out of here.

"Two months. That's how long he tortured her before killing her", I heard a voice. I struggled to get up. My head made it impossible to do anything. I wasn't healing. I opened my eyes and saw the thing I feared the most.

I saw a blurry image of someone holding Ketan up by his throat. My mate was in danger and I could do absolutely nothing about it. I tried to get up but my body was no longer in my control. I was glued to the ground.

"And you side with him?!", the blurred person growled before throwing Ketan against a tree. I wanted to scream. I wanted to run and save him but I couldn't. I was helpless. I could only be a spectator and it was killing me.

Ketan got up but was quickly tackled by the other person. "Do you want to know what happens to those who side with him Amaira?", the person turned to me. I was numb. "They get killed!", he growled before grasping Ketan's neck so hard that it detached from his body.

I let out a blood curdling scream as the person let out a menacing laugh. My mate was gone and I could do nothing about it. I couldn't help him. I couldn't save him. He got killed because he wanted to help me. It was all my fault.

"Amaira, get up. Amaira!", I heard a familiar voice shout while shaking me.

I opened my eyes and was welcomed by darkness. "Two months. That's how long-"

Nina spoke up and distracted me from the voice, "You were screaming. What did you see?"

Tears of joy rolled down my cheek as I realised it was all a dream. "Ketan is alive", I breathed out as a smile made its way to my lips.

"Of course, he is. Why wouldn't he be? Wait, did you see Ketan getting hurt?", she asked half sad and half angry.

"Yes", I whispered.

"Be prepared to see this on a repeat. He is going to safe. I can promise you that", Niba gave my hand a tight squeeze.

"It doesn't burn", I said surprised.

"What?", she asked confused.

"Your hand. It doesn't burn anymore"

"That's because you too have sage in your body. It doesn't burn you any more than it burns me"

"I want to get out of here, please", I whispered.

"I know. Try to get some rest and save your energy", she said sadly.

"I don't want to rest anymore. I want to get out of here", I shouted as something was injected in my neck again.

"Listen, every time you struggle, liquid sage will be inserted in your body. You will grow weak and we won't ever be able to escape. Stop struggling and save energy", Nina said before shuffling to find a comfortable position.

"Just promise me that we will make it out alive", I breathed out.

"I'm sorry", she whispered.

I leaned against the rocky wall as silent tears rolled down. I was never on to cry. Even when I was held captive, tortured and experimented, I haven't shed many tears. I was tough. I always accepted the situations and faced them. This time was different. I wanted to get out of this miserable place and be with my mate.

As Nina said, I saw the dream again and again and again till I lost count of how many times I saw my mate get killed. I tried to change what happened but I couldn't. No matter what I did, Ketan always ended up getting hurt and I ended up being the spectator.

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