Bloody Murderer

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I saw Ketan lying on floor with blood all over him. I went to him and scented two more people in his vicinity. I knew vampires can't die due to blood loss but I was worried. I quickly went to garden and grabbed two ducks. I fed him the blood and he got up.

"Are you alright?", I asked. "Amaira? What are you doing here? It's not safe. Go! Run as fast as you can, as long as you can. Go!", He yelled. "What happened?", I asked. He was shaking. "He is back. The monster is back to business. We need to leave", Ketan got up. "What about Nina?", I asked. "I will go get her. You pack your stuff and leave", he said and left.

I didn't even have time to respond? Who was that guy? What's going on? Where is Nina? Too many questions and no answers. I packed my bag and waited for Ketan to be back. He told me to leave but I didn't want to. I didn't want to be alone, not anymore.

I decided I have had enough of waiting and took off in the direction he left. I tracked his scent trail and found him unconscious on the ground. "Ketan! Ketan! Get up!", I shook him. He woke up a couple of minutes later and held his neck. "How are you feeling", I asked. Probably like the guy who got his neck snapped?

"A-amaira? What are you doing here? I told you to leave", he said getting up. "But I want to stay with you guys. Where is Nina?", I asked and he started to tear up. He quickly blinked then away and said, "How about we both travel?". I didn't know what happened to Nina but shook my head.

We went back to house and Ketan picked his bag. There was blood everywhere in Nina's room. Ketan noticed but didn't talk. "Let's go", Ketan said and I followed.

We have been floating for two days and neither of us spoke a word. Ketan finally broke the silence, "I am sorry. You shouldn't be here. It's my fault. I need to head back".

I was confused. "How is this your fault? Nina went missing and you saw a threat. I would rather stay with someone who is on a run than stay at one place, alone"

"Do you want to head back?", he asked and I nodded. I wasn't sure why we left or why we were heading back.

We reached shore and camped on trees. We couldn't walk during the day so tree seemed good. After sunset, we both started running towards mansion. I scented multiple people inside and looked at Ketan. He scented them too.

We went inside and what we saw was nowhere near pretty. There was blood everywhere. It belonged to different humans. Neither of us could count the number of humans that were killed here.

I heard footsteps approaching from the stairs. "Who's that?", I whispered so only Ketan could hear me.

A man walked down the stairs and Ketan spoke, "Monster of monsters. Ruthless ancient vampire. Life means nothing to that piece of crap. He is a thousand year old douche", he said with disgust in his voice.

"Thousand and a quarter actually", the man said showing his face. I gasped in shock. I wasn't sure what happened. His face... It triggered something. A memory perhaps? Not sure. "Look who we got here", he faced me, "If it isn't our young vampire, who else can it be?".

I wasn't sure what he was talking about. "Stay away from her", Ketan yelled and the man smirked. "Now tell me where my sister is", he yelled once more.

The man simply smirked. "You never learn. Young vampires should learn better than challenging ancient vampires", he sped towards Ketan and threw him across the room.

All of a sudden, my head started aching. I didn't know what caused it. I held my head between by palms and tried hard not to scream. The world around me started spinning and everything was a blur. The last thing I saw was that man's smirking face before I hit the ground.

I woke up in my previous bedroom. Should I even call that mine? I looked across the room and I was alone. Was this a bad dream? A quick scent test told me that it wasn't. There were multiple scents and I recognised two of them. Ketan and the other vampire.

Wait... Other vampire? I passed out seeing him. All the memories came rushing back to me. I quickly went out of room and saw Ketan standing defensively when the other one was sipping blood from a wine glass.

Both of them heard my footsteps. "How are you feeling?", Ketan asked. I didn't answer. I couldn't. My eyes kept fixed on that ancient vampire.

"I triggered a memory, didn't I?", he asked and all I could do was nod. Ketan was confused. He didn't understand what was going on but he didn't bother asking either. "So, tell me. Who am I?", he asked with a proud smile.

"The one what turned me", I managed to speak. He still had that proud smirk on his face. I wasn't sure why. Ketan was purely shocked. I was never the one who shocked others so this reaction was fairly new to me.

"Now that you remember, I would want you to join my army", he said.

"No. Not before you answer my questions"

"Fair enough. Tell me what you remember from that night and I will fill any details that you missed"

I took a deep breath and started. "I was out partying with my friends. You came to me and we started talking. I don't remember the conversation. After having a drink, we went outside. You showed me your canines and I wasn't scared of you. You dug your canines into my neck and drank from me. I was too shocked to even scream. When you stopped drinking, I held my punctured neck and started sobbing. You made me drink your blood and the next thing I knew, I was on the bed in this mansion", I finished without taking too many breaks.

"You remember it better than the others. That's great. Now you may ask your questions"

"Why the heck didn't I remember that night till today?"

"Remember that drink, sweetheart?-"

I cut him off, "Amaira. Call me Amaira"

"Okay, Amaira. I drugged that drink. Your memories were numb. They just needed a trigger. Seeing me was enough trigger", he smirked at the end.

"Why wasn't I scared of you?"

"Blame the drug"

"What happened after you fed me your blood?"

"I snapped your neck and brought you here. I placed you on my bed and when I was getting that little room ready for you, I had to leave"

I sighed. "Why did you choose me?". I have been wanting to ask this since the moment I woke up on that bed fifteen years ago.

"I have my own reasons. I cannot tell you", he said maintaining that same smile. It annoyed me. I wanted to kill that man for taking my life away from me. I didn't have much of a family but I had friends and I was atleast human.

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