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My heart started racing the moment I heard a thud. My mind was racing even faster, trying to process what just happened. My mate just went rogue and killed a human. For some reason, he almost attacked me and I broke his neck by decieving him. Is that what just happened? My body plopped down on the ground as I took deep breaths to calm myself down.

After a few seconds of deep breaths, I looked at Ketan's limp body on the ground. It's gonna be a while before he wakes up. I decided to take advantage of this grace period and looked around for something to tie him with. There were a few vines at a distance. Even though I was tired and hungry, I pushed myself to grab those vines.

I brought a few long vines and dropped them next to Ketan. I sighed, not knowing what to do. I can't keep breaking his neck whenever he wakes up. I can't even face his 'beast' nature. I pulled his hand and dragged him to the nearest tree. I pulled him to a sitting position and wrapped the vines around him. They were enough to hold a human but a vampire that unleash his inner beast? I would high doubt it.

I got up and walked back to the vines. I need atleast three time more vines than I used if I have any hope of restraining him. I started grabbing vines aimlessly. My mind was thinking of the time he wakes up while my hands focused on pulling as many vines are possible. I was snapped back to reality by a sharp pain in the back of my hand.

I hissed in pain as I pulled my hand back. Did my hand brush against thorns? My eyes widened in shock when I looked at my hand. It had two punctures. My heart raced again. The wounds didn't seal, scaring me further. If the snake that bit me is venomous, I have no chance of keeping my consciousness. Even with my metabolism and strength, I can't fight it. I was weakened by drowning.

My vision started clouding. I put my hand in my mouth to suck the venom out but I was too late. With my weak body and high heart rate, the venom was spreading at a rate that one could only imagine. Soon, I could feel the nerves in my body twitch with the effect of venom. It was getting harder and harder to breathe. My lungs felt crushed and suffocated.

My eyes were threatening to close. My legs wanted to give in and plop down on the ground. What kind of venom was that? I haven't seen this kind of reaction in my entire life. If I fall down, there is a high chance for me to not wake up. The only person around me is Ketan and it's highly unlikely that he would help me instead of shredding me to pieces.

I was thinking of an escape when my body decided to fail me and give in to the venom. I couldn't fight it. I could barely stand up. The last bits of fight that was left in me was soon gone. I let my eyes close and my body drop. The last thing I felt was the cold and hard ground against my cheek before pain took over.

I thought I was gone for good. I lost count of the number of times I thought that. I thought the next time I would wake up is when an idiot accidentally drops blood in my mouth and I would go on a rampage like one of those apocalyptic movies. It's good to imagine that. It makes you feel light hearted and forget everything that's happening.

My fantasy didn't go completely unnoticed by fate. I was woken up with drops of blood in my mouth. I was still on the ground but I was laying on my back. Something was dripping on my face quickly. I tasted the sweet and rich blood in my mouth. I could recognise that taste even in my sleep or well, resurrection.

My eyes shot open thinking of the source of the sweetness. I was met with a pair of eyes looking at me with a pained expression. He was hovering over my body, with his wrist just above my mouth. "Ketan?", I gently whispered.

He growled in pain, making me wince. I blinked my eyes a few times before looking at my surroundings. Bright sunrays were hitting the back of Ketan's head and neck. Sunlight was burning him but he still stayed hovering over me. I placed my hands over the back of his neck, covering him from sunlight. He mistook this gesture and pressed me under his body.

"Ketan, get up!", I pushed him to the side. Bright sunlight hit my face, shooting needles everywhere. I quickly moved back and sat under a tree. Ketan looked hurt and rejected. This was different kind of hurt. His body started healing but the look on his face didn't change.

I mustered enough courage to jump over to him, without getting sunburn. A tiny smile crept across his lips but it quickly vanished. "How is your neck?", I reached out to examine but he quickly moved away. "Are you angry?", I asked softly. He had every right to be angry. I broke his neck and tied him up after all. He shook his head. I breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Let me see", I gave him a warm smile. He reluctantly got closer. I ran my fingers along his neck and shoulders that were exposed to the sunlight. He has been hovering for a while before I woke up. "How long did you plan on hovering over me before sunlight burnt you?", I frowned, attempting to scold him but my weak voice didn't help me much.

He wrapped his arms around me and pressed my body against his. I was shocked for a second before hugging him back. His grip was strong but I could handle it. Perks of being a vampire. For a few minutes, he didn't do anything other than breathe in my scent. It was starting to get a little uncomfortable but it was way better than what I expected. Being hugged is way better than being shredded.

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