Playing Nice

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"Any plans on getting your people to like me?", I asked Sid.

"It's your job, not mine", he shrugged.

"You don't want your people to fear vampires. Unless you want me to dig up whatever you are hiding, you better help me out", I threatened with a smirk.

"You look hot when you threaten", he chuckled.

"Mm-hmm and my boyfriend is waiting in the forest who would be more than happy to rip your tongue out for saying that"

Hurt flashed in his eyes but he quickly masked it. "You-you have a boyfriend?"

"Mate, actually. You know about vampire mates, right?"

He nodded. "I better get going. The Alpha would be mad if I'm late", he got up.

"My threat still stands. Help me or I will start digging", I crossed my arms. At that point, I didn't care if I was hurting him. All I wanted to do was do my job and return with whatever they were going to give me to trap that vampire.

"You can start by talking to people. Help them out or whatever. I got some stuff to do. I will be back later", he mumbled before quickly walking away. Guess I had to figure something out myself.

I kept walking on the road when I saw a girl carrying three huge bags. She accidentally dropped a bag and I used my vamp speed to catch it before it hit the ground. "Careful", I handed it to her.

"You're the new vampire, aren't you?", she set the bags down. New? What's that supposed to mean?

"Yeah. I got here this morning"

"Thank you for catching my bag. You don't look so bad", she smiled. That was weird.

"No problem. Have you seen any vampires here before?", I tried to be as casual as possible.

She chuckled, "Every one of you asks the same question. There's been a lot of vampires here. Guess our Alpha loves to have other allies"

"She sure does", I mumbled under my breath.

"Anyway, my house is nearby. Wanna stop by for a tea or something?", she offered.

"Sure. Didn't have anything on my mind since Sid basically ditched me"

"Sid? The love sick guy?", she chuckled.

"I don't know if he is the Sid but he was the first one who talked to me in this place so...", I shrugged.

"He talked to you?", she asked surprised.

"Yeah, normally he doesn't?", I was confused.

She shook her head, "He doesn't talk much to women, let alone strangers. It's basically a miracle"

"Those things have been happening an awful lot in my life", I sighed.

"What did he tell you?", she asked.

"Nothing much. He took me to the Alpha and there was this meeting we attended. Why doesn't he talk to women anyway?"

"Well, there was this lady who rescued him when he was younger. He said she was the kindest and most beautiful woman he's ever met. No one took him seriously and since then he stopped talking to women", she said like she told this story a million times.

"Okay, that's weird", I sighed. She looked at me now knowing what to say. "I said it out loud, didn't I?"

"Yeah. It's fine. Everybody thinks he is weird but nobody says anything about it", she shrugged.

"And why is that?"

"He is strong and powerful. Let's just say he is one of the top members in the wolf hierarchy"

I nodded, "The clouds are about to clear. Now might be the best time to show me your home", I looked up.

She nodded and walked towards ger house. "This is my home sweet home", she smiled as we reached the place.

"Looks good", I sat down on a chair.

"Anything that I can get you?"

"Some information would be better", I smiled.

"What kind of information?", she furrowed her eyebrows, sitting across from me.

"What happened to all the other vampires that were here before me?"

She looked a little uncomfortable but spoke anyway, "They stayed for a couple of days but left suddenly. The last girl picked a fight and nearly killed one of us. Everybody was even more scared of vampires since then"

"But not you", I pointed out.

She chuckled, "Not me. I feel like vampires are peaceful creatures who won't hurt us if we stay out of their way"

I shook my head, "It's not always true. You can't judge all of us by knowing one of us"

"Listen, I don't know why I'm saying this but try to leave before they make you"

"What? Why?"

"I don't know. I just have a bad feeling about it. The last girl really blended with everyone and suddenly she snapped. Only few of us know enough about vampires to understand it's not normal"

I nodded. This day kept getting weirder and weirder. "I better go now. Sid told me he would take me back to the forest. I should go find him", I got up.

"Let me get you an umbrella", she rushed inside and showed up with a large umbrella.

"Thank you", I smiled before walking out with the huge umbrella over my head.

I walked towards the place where Sid left me. I saw him looking at me from a distance. "I thought you had work to do", I walked closer.

"I also said that I will be back", he smiled, "What did you do while I was gone?"

"I didn't murder anyone if that's what you are asking"

He chuckled, "That's not what I was asking"

"Well, I met a nice lady, helped her with her bags and went to her house. She even gave me an umbrella", I twirled the umbrella around.

He chuckled again, "That's a good start. Usually people don't like vampires here"

"I've been told that", I shrugged.

"What else have you been told?", he raised an eyebrow playfully.

"That you are a love sick puppy who doesn't speak to women and I'm an exception"

His smile dropped but a smirk instantly replaced it. "Are you flattered?"

"Well, I would be if I didn't have more pressing matters to deal with"

"Like what?", he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Like taking your tool and making a vampire disappear", I rolled my eyes.

"Right. The deal", he looked down.

"Yep. The deal"

"I'm gonna go on a run. Wanna join?", he asked.

"One, it's middle of the day. Two, I need to make people feel comfortable around vampires"

"Keep socializing. I will meet you here at 6 to take you to the forest", he said. I nodded and went to find more people to socialize.

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