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This is a work of Fiction. No part of this can be scanned , copied , printed or transmitted by any means without the prior permission from me(writer). If I come across any such instance, I will not refrain in taking an action.


''I wanted to skin you alive as a baby. Good, I didn't do it then. Your family will feel it more when I peel that beautiful skin off your body.'' Netra maniacally said brushing her fingers through Rolli's face as the Princess sat blind folded her hands tied behind her back.

''My son did an awesome job bringing you here, now I will have my revenge.'' Before Netra could understand, Rolli stood closer to her, binding her hands in  death grip.

''You really thought I was that easy.'' She mocked Netra holding latter's gun on her head

''Don't you dare Princess, she is my mother.'' Dev warned  her, pointing his gun towards her.

''You should have thought that before.....'' Her words died as came another voice, ''Touch my sister and yours dies.'' Vikram walked in with Sonakshi squirming in his grip. 

''Let her die Dev, she is no one to us.'' Netra growled

''Let her go, she has nothing to do with all this.'' Dev warned Vikram

''Oh she does, you used her as a spy , we as a bait.'' The group turned towards the source of voice. Nethra's eyes turned murderous as her eyes met with the Queen of Jaigarh.

''You really thought you could abduct my daughter from my Palace? Have you forgotten who we are?'' She circled Netra like a predator does with a prey., coming face to face with the arch enemy she added, ''All this was a trap, and you fell into it so easily.''

''You witch?'' Netra growled

Ananya pulled out the gun she had kept away for so long, ''Ranvijay made a mistake, I won't.'' The room turned dark, there was a gun shot and a scream....


Here comes the Prologue, finally the next generation is here. Do let me know your views and please if someone can make a cover for me. Do drop in your views and comments.

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