Sunsets and Sangria pt.3

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     "Yoongii," A red haired boy strolled up to Yoongi's chevy, he was sipping his signature sangria and watching the clouds dance with the sun in the sky,

     "It's so hot...but not as hot as my sugar!" He said cheekily, slinging an arm over the smaller's shoulder. 

     Yoongi chuckled, he adjusted his jacket sleeves and kept on drinking. Hoseok stood silently for a while, watching the blue haired boy contentedly, taking in all of his beautiful soft features.

     "Has anyone told you that you look like a kitten, Sweets?" He smirked, seeing the older's face heat up. 

     "N-no" He said quickly, obviously flustered. Hoseok slid his hand down to Yoongi's waist and he leaned into the touch.

     A figure walking around the corner caught Yoongi's attention and he turned around, drawing his gun. The person stopped dead in their tracks and put up their crossbow pointing directly at Yoongi's head,

     "I'm gonna kill you whether you like it or not, freak"

     "Why's that? Why'd you wanna kill a cutie like him?" Hoseok asked innocently, gesturing to Yoongi who was staring bullets at the crossbow.

      "I have people who's pay a fair price for his body" The man chuckled meanly and Yoongi made a disgusted face.

     "Oh, it's like that, huh?" Hoseok smirked and strode over to the man with the crossbow. He knows the risks, the desert lands are unforgiving, if you die good riddance. People go about drawing their weapons all the time, it's a constant fight for who looks the coolest when they kill people that look better than them. Yoongi's heart began beating faster and faster as he watched Hoseok near the wild-eyed man. He was about to shoot when his eyes rolled to the back of his head, he dropped his weapon and clutched his stomach. The man fell to the ground before Hoseok's feet and he stood, looking at Yoongi with a bright smile on his face. 

     He held a small dagger, it was purple and red and there was blood at the tip. Yoongi never even noticed his pull it from the holder on his thigh. Hoseok pulled a blood-stained cloth from his pocket and cleaned off the knife, putting it back into its holder. He stepped over the man and asked Yoongi if he'd like to go somewhere, "anywhere but here, baby," Yoongi's heart skipped a beat at the word, "I want you to be safe and dammit no ones gonna lay a dirty finger on my kitten and get away with it"

     "C-can we go to the drop?" Yoongi asked shyly. Hoseok kissed his forehead and smiled,

     "Anything for you, Sweets, hop on my magic carpet." He winked and gestured to his car.

     Yoongi rolled his eyes and got in. The car ride there was relaxed, music played from the radio and the two sat, talking about amitions and when they began using weapons and what-not. Hoseok absent-mindedly placed a warm hand on Yoongi's thigh. Of course, this caused him to panic and look out to window, trying to focus on anyting but the sensation of Hoseok's touch. He swore that before he met Hoseok he wouldn't be fazed by anything, but now, he gets nervous for him, he gets flustered by him, would it be a long shot to even say he has feelings for him? Yoongi wasn't even mad at the thought of wandering the desert with his hot, red headed boyfriend, it sounded like heaven.

     "Sweets, we're here" Hoseok took his hand off of Yoongi's thigh so he could switch gears, Yoongi was almost sad.

     The boys got out and Hoseok picked up Yoongi to put him on the hood of his car. Yoongi was about to protest but the younger said that if anyone was going to come for them, they'd have to get through the two things he loved most and that sure as hell wasn't going to happen.

     The sun finally began falling behind the clouds, creating a beautiful purple hue of color across the dry landscape. Hoseok looked down to see a small town and one of the few lakes in their part of the world. It's called desert lands for a reason. Hoseok saw the bikers roar down the road and couples and groups of boys running about drunkedly. The night was peaceful, he looked back to see Yoongi's butt hanging out of the car. He walked over, pretending to not notice anything before slapping it. Yoongi yelped and jumped out of the car with wide eyes. He was changing the radio station and looking for a snack, he didn't expect to get his ass smacked in the process.

     "U-uh, why?" Yoongi said, trying not to smile. Hoseok let out a hearty laugh and pulled him into an embrace,

     "Yoongi! You're so cute, I couldn't help it!" His hands roamed and tickled the older, Yoongi giggled and it was music to the youngers ears.

     A phone rang and they decided to ignore it, their eyes were lost in one another and the world seemed to stop. Yoongi's lips quivered and he looked up to have met eyes with the boy who was holding him so close. Yoongi muttered a quiet "fuck it" before pulling the taller by his shirt and kissing him. The kiss was longer than expected and when they both seperated they were panting.

     "Ohmy god Yoongi, I've only known you for three weeks but shit, I'm in love with you" Hoseok said, grabbing at the older, wanting to feel and hold every part of him. Yoongi sighed, the feeling of Hoseok kissing his bare neck was euphoric.

     "Be mine, Sweets, I wouldn't ask the world anything more than for you to be mine and only mine," Hoseok pleaded, Yoongi's head was spinningk the though of hot red head guy in his black leather jacket and his cool car and his cheeky smile and his perfect laugh a-

     "Yes, yes, oh god yes, I'll be yours" he said, a smile made its way across hisface and he burried his nose into Hoseok's neck.

     "Love ya, Sweets" Hosoek kissed the top of his head and ran his fingers through his blue locks. The hot air blew around them and the sounds of the town below and the radio playing love songs softly in the back ground and the sun falling behind the hill, everything was perfect. Hoseok wanted to remember this moment forever. 

     Minutes passed and they both looked out over the edge where they stood. Yoongis large hand held Hoseoks and he had no intention on letting go anytime soon. A final sliver of the sun disappeared and the sky was now full of dark blues and the stars began to dance in the sky.

     "It's cool," Yoongi said, "how every sunset and sunrise is different. The sky never looks the same and its always beautiful" he was lost in thought until his phone rang again. He looked at Hoseok and he mouthed, "answer it" and Yoongi sighed and put his phone to his ear.


     "Min Yoongi!!! Why haven't you been answering your phone I wa worried sick! Answer your damn phone asshole! Why have you been off the grid these days? You don't love your handsome hyung anymore? Is that it?" Seokjin was yelling profanities over the phone and Hoseok couldn't help but laugh when he saw the look of irritation on Yoongi's face.

     "I'm kinda hanging out with my boyfriend at the moment but I mean I'm sorry I guess."

     "Your wHAT?" Cue Seokjin yelling again, "you mean that red headed asshole who almost hit me with his car?"

     "That's my red headed asshole, hyung" Yoongi laughed.

    "As long as my dear friend is happy, I guess it's okay, but please try and stay in touch, okay? You know that I worry.." 

     "Thanks mom, I'll call you every day and make sure to leave sticky notes on your face every morning" Yoongi said jokingly,

     "Hahaha, very funny, I have to go, don't stay out too late, you know who hangs out this time of night."

     Yoongi's heart sank, he forgot all about them. Yoongi  wrapped his arms around Hoseoks neck and pecked him on the lips,

     "Seokjin just reminded me about the bandits, can I stay at your place tonight, Seokie?" He asked, knowing the younger couldn't say no to him.   Hoseok almost melted at the nickname,

     "Sure thing, baby, let's go then"

     Okay I got my phone taken away so expect me here more often, my writers block is dying and I'm getting more ideas on what to write so may this book continue! Love you guys! I hope you enjoy this chapter, plese vote and comment! gn! - Kubo

not proofread cause i'm tired  

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