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"Where are you taking me?" Poppy giggled.

"I told you it's a surprise..." Branch responded pulling her by the arm.

   He dragged Poppy farther and farther from the village until they  came to a small out-clove in the trees.

"Here we are" Branch said leading the pink troll into the secluded area.

"Uhhhh, are you sure?".

"I'm positive".

"Shocking..." Poppy smirked as he shot her a glare.

"Here, sit down" Branch gestured to a nearby log off to the side.

"Ok..." She said unsurely and sat next to him.

Branch took a deep breath and began, "alright well...Poppy...I have a...ahem...a" he became suddenly sweaty and red faced.

"You have a....what?" Poppy asked, confused.

He froze for a second, "I have...a question".


"Ok....Poppy I have...I-I was wondering" Branch started fiddling with something in his pocket, "I...well I just wanted to say-"

"If there's something you'd like to tell me, just say it...I'm listening" she placed a hand on his.

"Ok" He took a deep breath, "Here goes nothing....Poppy we've been dating for-for quite some time now and I"


"Well I was just wondering..."


"And I wanted to ask you...would you..."


Branch scratched the back of his head, "Poppy, would you...would you....marry me?" He pulled a ring out of his pocket and squeezed his eyes shut waiting for a response.

Poppy blankly stared at the ring then him, "Are you serious?!"

Branch opened his eyes, "So is that a no? I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked" he stood.

Poppy sprung up and grabbed at Branch's hand, "Branch! Of course! Yes! I'd love to marry you!"

He smiled and hugged Poppy tight.

(Cuz my honeys this is a kids movie and there is no kissing in kids movies...jk there's better stuff later)

"Thank you" he said.

"For what?"

"For saying yes"

"Why wouldn't I Branch? I love you"

"I love you too Poppy".


   As Poppy and Branch emerged from the forest back into the village a sudden ball of pink and blue tackled Poppy knocking her down. Branch jumped back at the sudden movement. As soon as they both got their hearts pumping again, a golden troll appeared from out of the bushes.

"Butterfly what did we say about personal space?" She called to her friend.

Poppy and Butterfly were a pile on the ground, The excited trolls glasses were fogging up from being so close, "so what were you doing? Did you just go on a walk or...Huh! Are you hurt did you lose any fingers?!" Butterfly grabbed at the queens hand, "oh thank god! The pinkies are...my...favorite..." she paused noticing the small ring with a blue gemstone in the middle. Looking up, she noticed Poppy had a guilty smile on her face.

"Oh....my....god..." Butterfly continued, " ha-HA! Poppy! I'm so happy for you!" she trapped her in a hug. Then quickly sprang up and grabbed at Branch's hand, "where's your ring?"

"Um, I don't have one yet" he shrugged.

"WhaaaAAT?!" Butterfly gasped.

"Ring?" Popcorn glanced at Poppy wiggling the finger that was now adorned with a blue engagement ring.

"Come On Branch! We're going to get you one right now" the fangirl began dragging him away.

"Hoooold on Butterfly" Popcorn stopped her, "I think that's up to Poppy and Branch to decide".

She let go of Branch, "your right....so Poppy!-".

"Oookay we should be going see ya later bye!" Popcorn stated pulling Butterfly home.

Poppy chuckled.

"You Okay?" Branch asked helping her up.

"Yeah. How bout you?".

"I'm fine"

She smiled at him for a second, "good. Now come on! We have an announcement to make!" She dashed off.

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa" Branch yanked her back, "don't you think you should tell someone first?"

"But Butterfly already- ohhhh you mean my dad"

He nodded.

"Well then come on! We'll do it together!" She exclaimed pulling Branch through the village.


Poppy came bursting through the entrance of king Peppy's pod. A nurse was near the bed, her father sitting up in it.

"Oh hey doc" she greeted the doctor.

"Afternoon Queen Poppy" Tigerlily replied, "I was just giving your father his medicine. Don't worry I'll be outta your hair in just a moment.

"Take your time".

"What do you need honey?" The king spoke up.

"Oh well actually, me and Branch have a surprise for you" she signaled for Branch to come stand by her side.

"And what that might be" her father smiled.

"On the count of three ok?" Poppy muttered.

"1, 2, 3...we're getting married!" The two said together. Poppy held out her hand.

King Peppy was stunned as he stared at the rhinestone on his daughters finger. The nurse however, clapped and cheered politely.

The king looked at his daughter, then wrapped her in a tight hug,
"I'm so happy for you" he said.

As they pulled away Poppy noticed tears in her fathers eyes, "oh dad, don't cry".

"I'm sorry. I just...Its just....you've been through so much....and, I'm just really happy for you" he stopped, "and this" he grabbed at Poppy's hand, "where'd you get such a lovely ring, Branch?"

He blushed, "well, it was my grandmothers, my sister had it. So when I told her about my proposal she gave it to me"

"That's so nice of her"

"She DID???" Poppy turned to the blue troll. He nodded, "did you mention you were proposing to ME?" She nudged him with her shoulder.

"Alright you two. Goodbye now I'm old, I needs ma rest" Peppy shoo- ed them away.

"Are you guys ready to plan a wedding?" Tigerlily stopped them on their way out.

"I think we can do it" Poppy smiled grabbing Branch's hand, "how hard can it be?"

I'm aware that this is a bit long for a Prologue, I'm just someone who writes a lot details.

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