Big Beautiful Field

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Holy crap! Merry Christmas guy, Happy christler, New year-new me!

I bring you a gift!

Yes I finally got my ass in gear and wrote y'all an update, enjoy.

   Sparkles was leading the way once again; the map Butterfly had given her earlier in hand. Butterfly stuck close by, looking out for possible dangers.

   Branch was far behind. His pace was slow and his eyes were blank. He constantly fiddled with blades of grass or broke twigs and crumpled the autumn leaves.

"The forest is beautiful" Butterfly remarked her head held high, "I don't blame you for having a fall wedding Bran-" she turned around, "Branch!".

   He looked up, "hm?".

Butterfly ran back to him, "Why are you all the way back here?".

"What do you mean?"

    The pink troll gestured to Sparkles, slowly disappearing in the distance. She grabbed Branch's hand a tugged him farther up the path. The two caught up to Sparkles who didn't seem to notice their absence.

   They walked silently for awhile; Butterfly pipped up every now and then telling Branch to catch up.

"Is something bothering you?"

   Branch turned to the fangirl, "is it that obvious?". She shrugged in response.

  "Sorry, I'm just worried about Poppy"

"It's okay, she knows where you are" Butterfly reassured him.

  Branch gave her a guilty glance, "Well" he muttered.

Butterfly's eyes widened, "you didn't tell her?!".

"I tried! But we got into this...stupid fight and then I just left... I can't believe I did that" he mumbled.

"You didn't tell you pregnant wife you were leaving for, who knows how long!" Butterfly ranted.

"Their not married yet" Sparkles said not shifting her gaze from the map.

"And I left her a note" Branch protested.

"Well did she get it!? " the pink troll asked.

"Yes!-No...I don't know!"

"O-o-oh somebody's in trouble when we get back" Sparkles chuckled.

"Buzz off!" Branch shouted.

"Feisty are we" she responded.

   As the siblings continued to quarrel, Butterfly walked ahead into a large clearing; she screamed.

"Butterfly?!" Branch called and ran ahead, his sister behind him. They found her completely unharmed in the clearing.

"Huh....what happened?" Sparkles asked.

"Buff lies" Butterfly seemed to mumble.

"Come again?"

   Butterfly took a couple steps forward, "Butterflies!".

   Thousands of small orange butterflies swarmed up from the dead grass and into the sky.

"Woah" they breathed.

   Butterfly dashed through the big field as bunches of the small creatures flew around. The siblings followed, marveling at them all. And for almost a split second...Branch stopped worrying about Poppy.

Oh boy, I hope everyone has a lovely New Years! And I hope I update more often.

See you all next year ;)


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