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"Nightmares?" Dr. Moonbloom asked.

"Yes. It seemed pretty bad when I got there" Branch explained.

"Well its common for women who are pregnant to have nightmares. Did she mention anything about the dream?"

"No. But she didn't seem like herself".

   Branch sat with the Doctor in her office. Poppy's sudden nightmare the other day really rattled him and he scheduled an appointment to ask clarifying questions.

"Hmm" Moonbloom paused, analyzing the situation, "Well things like nightmares aren't really my department...but" she stood and walked to her desk, returning with a small slip of paper.
"You could schedule an appointment with Dr. Blackthorne" she handed the address to Branch.


"Not many trolls see him. He's more of the....psychiatrist type"

   Branch started blankly at the card. Blackthorne. Where had he heard that before?


"Nightmares huh?"

   After the appointment with Dr. Moonbloom, she had insisted Branch go out and do something; give Poppy a little space. He decided to meet with Popcorn for lunch.

"Yeah. It's been...a crazy week" Branch responded.

"First her colors didn't come back, then the whole....getting lost in the woods and not remembering any of it thing, and now this" She looked at Branch who was spacing out, clearly deep in thought.

"Yeah" he said blankly.

"It kinda sounds that one thing Butterfly was telling me about. What were they called?" She muttered.

"Wh-What? What did she say?" Branch responded, suddenly interested.

"She was talking about Poppy, and that maybe it's because of, this-this thing"

"Wait, does she know something? Is she sick? Whats wrong?!" Branch was becoming paranoid.

"Whoa, slow down buddy, it's Butterfly. I doubt she's serious"

"But what did she say?"

Branch intensely listened but, the glitter troll remained quiet.

"No" Popcorn chuckled, "no you'll think I'm crazy"

Branch sat up in his seat, "I promise Popcorn, at this point....anything's possible".

"Alright....She thinks Poppy's possessed"

Silence filled the air.

"Wha-a-at?" Branch laughed, "oh, now I definitely know Butterfly's not serious".

"I'm not too certain either but, I mean like you said, anything's possible"

"Okay, okay. I'm, I'm going crazy! Yeah. It must be stress, it has to be stress" Branch got up and started leaving.

"Branch Wait!" She ran after him, "why don't you talk to Butterfly yourself? I'll come with you"

"No. No, I'm going to Poppy and I'm making sure she stays in bed and rests and is absolutely safe"

Popcorn grabbed his hand and yanked him to a halt, "if you don't wanna talk about it, fine. But if someone else happens, I'll be a Butterfly's. Your choice" she said, then left.

Branch stood their, considering her statement. He shook the thought away and continued to Poppy's pod.


"Poppy, I'm back" Branch called as he stepped inside.

"Where have you been?" Poppy asked

"Oh good, your awake. How did you sl-"

"I'm serious Branch where the hell have you been?!" Poppy asked once again. Her patients was reaching its end.

"Hey it's know big deal. I just went to talk to Moonbloom, I thought I told-"

"So you'd rather go off worrying about me than just staying here and taking care of your pregnant wife!"
She was shouting now.

"I don't see what your so worked up about!"

  Poppy stared at him furiously, she turned away and sat on the edge of her bed.

"How could you say that!" She yelled once again, "" she stopped suddenly then fainted, falling backwards.

"Poppy?" Branch asked.

There was no answer.

"Poppy!" He ran to her and checked her pulse, she was still breathing.

   Branch let out a sigh of relief and sat next to her. He decided to put her back in bed and talk to her later when she woke up again.

That was odd, he thought.

"If something else happens, I'll be at Butterfly's"

Branch could hear Popcorn's statement in his head.

"Your choice", it rang.


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