Voices in my Head

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   This is a long one, so get ready

   Poppy lied on her back staring at the ceiling, "We've been in this house for way too long", she sat up, "we should go a walk".

"Are you kidding?! And risk people seeing our bump?"

"She has a point, besides my back hurts"

"This stupid baby is more trouble than it's worth"

"Why would you say that?!"

"Ya know who we should be blaming for this? Branch. If he hadn't walked out-"

   "Shut up!" Poppy silenced the voices in her head, "get a grip Poppy" she told herself.

   She got up and walked to the stove to make tea. It was only thing that calmed them- herself, down.

    While the drink steeped she began to find something to where that would hide her growing baby bump. Any dress she had wouldn't cover it up. She pulled out a green and blue striped poncho with buttons down the middle. She hadn't worn that old thing since she was twelve.

    It was the only thing that worked so she pulled the poncho over her clothes, drank Popcorn's miracle tea, and left.

   It was a pretty nice out. Kind of cloudy but still very sunny. Everything in the village seemed to be functioning as normal. This was a huge relief, considering Poppy's absence.

    So far some trolls had greeted her but no one mentioned her bump. Not yet. She was feeling pretty relaxed when she ran into Satin and Chenille.

"Poppy!" They said in unison. They hugged her, excited to see her after so long.

"Where have you been?" Satin asked.

   Poppy gulped, "oh I've just been taking a break. It's been stressful with the wedding and..." she crossed her arms, "other stuff".

"Your not sick anymore are you?" Chenille asked.

   "Oh no. I'm feeling much better now I just had a cold" Poppy faked a cough, "Yeah, I'm still a little stuffed up".

"Well that's good"

"Now for the real question..." Satin began.

   Poppy's eyes widened, Oh no! They noticed...I gotta do something
"I can explain-"

"Where on earth did you get that poncho?"

   "Yeah, I've never seen you where it before" Chenille added. She reached out a hand to feel the material.

    The pink troll stepped back, "you really shouldn't touch it!" She snapped on accident.

   The twins stared at her in shock. It wasn't like Poppy to be so prickly.

"I'm sorry. Sorry, it's just this was from my mother and I really care about it"

"But you hate your mom Poppy" Satin said confused.

    She held her breath; trying to come up with an excuse to get outta there.

"Oh! Listen to that, someone's calling my name- gotta go!" She quickly walked past them and didn't stop.

   She checked over shoulder and saw the twins walking the opposite way. She gave a sigh of relief, that was close.


    Her head snapped back to see Popcorn in front of her.

"Oh few...it's just you"

"What are you doing? You should be resting"

Poppy did it again, "I'll do what I want!"

"Okay okay. I'm just trying to hel-"

"No, I'm sorry Popcorn. I'm having kind of an off day".

"It's all good. Take it easy though, ok"

"Yeah, of course"

    The glittery troll smiled then continued on her way. Poppy paused to take a breath. Then walked into the woods outside of Troll Village.


"Gosh Poppy you should just talk to Dr. Blackthorn"

"Your a grown adult, you can handle this on your own"

"I can handle this one my own" Poppy muttered.

"Are you crazy?! Poppy it's never a bad  idea to ask for help"

   "I should just go talk to him" she turned back, "wait, no I'm fine!" She began to argue with herself.

   "Are you okay ma'am?" A voice said.

   "Huh?" She spun around.

    Mallory stood before Poppy, "you seem to at war with yourself".

  "I'm fine! I just...need to sit down"

Mallory lead her to a nearby log, "you seem familiar".

    "Well when your queen everyone seems to know you"

   It hit the blue troll like a bus.
She went wide eyed, oh shit! I can't be talking to the enemy. The boss is gonna kill me..she doesn't seem like a threat

"Uhhh" she chuckled nervously, "I should be going I have...family I'm visiting. But you, you should just sit for awhile. Ya know take your time the longer the better" she mall-walked away, "have a good day ma'am".

    Poppy rubbed her forehead, maybe the walk wasn't such a good idea. She didn't pay much attention to the troll who just left but, she was right- she should take her time.

    She took a deep breath. It was getting to hot for the poncho. Even though she hesitated, she took it off.

"Are you crazy?!"

   Poppy ignored it. She glanced down at her stomach.
"Huh...what am I gonna do with you?" She placed a hand to her bump. Poppy's mood changed in a snap. She started to think about Branch and how he still hadn't returned. Of course she was mad he left, but deep down she knew it was her fault.

"I'm gonna have to tell him at some point" she said.

"I can't tell him...what if he leaves me again"

"You've kept the secret for this long, how hard can it be".

"It could end your relationship, it's important you don't tell him"

  "Nobody wants someone broken"

"Your wrong!" Poppy shouted. Some birds flew awoke in the distance. She was completely alone.

"Oh god. Just take yourself home" Poppy told herself has she stood to head home.

   Fog began to roll in and she was getting chilly. It was getting hard to see but even she noticed how deserted the village was when arrived back.

Where is everyone?

   She began to look around. No one was outside and none of her friends were home. It was just her. She was completely alone. Or so she thought.

"Hello!" She called, "Popcorn? Satin? Anybody?!".

  "Long time no see" another mysterious said behind her. Poppy's blood ran cold, she knew that voice.  She slowly turned around. As she did, Creek emerged from the fog.

"Miss me?"

Te He, cliffhanger! Sorry guys I'll try not to keep you waiting on the next chapter.

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