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Before I start this chapter I'd just like to say, thank you all so so much for 1k reads! I hope y'all keep enjoying this story!

Knock know knock

"Butterfly open up!" Branch called pounding on the door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Don't get your tits in a twist... oh, why hello Branch" Butterfly greeted opening the door, "How has your night been?" She said in a sucky British accent.

"Just peachy. Can I come in?" Branch asked, "Popcorn said she'd be here"

"Why of course" the accent faded, "I was just in the middle of writing my latest fanfic" she gestured to her cluttered desk.

"Tha-thats great. Is Popcorn here?"

"Uh-huh. Well she will be. She went to buy snacks, we were hungry" Butterfly seated herself on the rug in the center of her pod.

"Oh. Okay" Branch followed and took a seat next to her.

"What did you wanna talk to Popcorn about?"

Branch hesitated slightly, "uh...well....Poppy's been acting strange, right? And-"

"Ohhhhh that's what this is about! She expected you to show up" the pink troll interrupted, "you wanna know about the Kakí Enérgeia?"

"The what?!" Branch asked, thinking he was losing his mind.

"The Kakí Enérgeia" Butterfly repeated, "it means 'bad energy' in Greek".

(Okay, okay I admit I went into google translate and typed in a bunch of random sh*t, but I'm happy with results so...don't worry too much about it...)

"Never heard of it" he shrugged.

"Well clearly" the fangirl mumbled, "after Poppy's strange behavior the other day, I decided to do some research"

*Flashback to a couple days ago*

"I need your paranormal section" Butterfly said the librarian.

The old troll blinked at her then rose from her seat, "right this way" she said.

The librarian lead the curious troll to the section she had requested. It's was old and dusty; not to many people had touched the books in some time. Once there, the old woman returned to her desk.

"Oh, thank you"

"I looked through the whole thing, until I found something" Butterfly narrated.

'Urban legends of creepy creatures' it read.

"This looks promising" the fangirl said to her self.

She took a seat next to the shelf and opened to old book.

"I spent half an hour reading that book! Till I eventually hit a dead end. So I decided to talk to the librarian".

"Any luck?" The librarian asked when Butterfly approached her.

"Is there any other place where I can find paranormal books?" She asked.

The old troll thought a moment, "Well....there is the public library in Bergen Town" she said slowly.

"Alright. Thank you so much" Butterfly said before leaving.

"So I went to Bergen Town, and I searched the entire library, nothing. I checked out and old book shop, nothing. I asked a crap ton of people if they owned any paranormal books and I found nothing! Until I talked to Gristle".

Butterfly climbed the stone steps all the way up to the castle. At the top stood two guards.

"Excuse me!" Butterfly called up to them.

Chad and Todd looked down.

"I'd like to speak to king Gristle please"

The two nodded and opened the large wooden doors; Butterfly walked inside.

Gristle was all the way in the throne room, playing his keyboard sluggishly like usual. The fangirl walked along the shag rug till she was in front of the large throne.

"Hello Gristle!" Butterfly called up to him.

He stopped his playing and looked around, "Who's there!" He cried in response, "I knew the palace was haunted..."

Butterfly chuckled, "no stupid, I'm down here!"

King Gristle looked down at the pink troll with glasses, "Butterfly! It's great to see you!" He picked her up, "you haven't updated your blog in so long! What's the juicy gossip".

Butterfly was gonna tell him about Poppy, when she remembered why she hadn't been blogging.

"Oh I wish I could tell you, but I've made a promise to keep my lips sealed"

"Oh...well that's alright. What brings you to my humble home?" The king asked.

"I was wondering if you know any good old book stores where I can find a paranormal section" she responded.

"Oh! Why the castle has its very own library. I'll take you to it" he said walking out of the room, Butterfly perched on his shoulder.

This library was huge! And not just because it was Bergen sized.
Gristle lead her through the maze of shelves.

"What were you looking for again?" He asked

"A paranormal section"

"Anything in particular?"

"Hmm...weird question" Butterfly chuckled, "Do you know of anything that could change a person's behavior?"


"Like...angry, then scared...then tripping absolute balls-"


"No! Like if someone is, let's say, is found wandering in the woods and saying weird shit, throws up and then doesn't remember any of it".

King Gristle eyed her suspiciously, "oddly specific but...if anything it sounds like the What was it...khakis pizzeria".

"Uh...I'm sure that's not right"

"Oh whatever there's a book about over here"

He grabbed a thick hardback book that read 'Urban Ledgends'

"Here it is! The Kakí Enérgeia. Ledges has it, that this evil spirit possesses its victims and toys with their emotions and if it's really bad the possession can lead to...." Gristle paused.

"What? Lead to what?" Butterfly asked.


Damn...this was a long chapter...

Sorry for the late update. My schedule is lagging but I know I will always update on Wednesdays so there's that. I hope you guys enjoyed!

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