Branch Comes Clean

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Hey everyone, just wanted to say this is the last of the constant updates. I promise to update more often and not keep you waiting, it just won't be everyday. Anyway enjoy this chap...

  "I can explain" Branch said turning to his sister.

  "The hell you can!" She

    Butterfly and Skie gave each other a look as if to say 'uh-oh, this isn't good'. Still, they thought it'd be best to stand idly by.

  "Ok, Sparks, please don't freak out-"

  "I'm already freaking out Branch!", she took a deep breath, "your girlfriend...", she grabbed Branch's hands, "is pregnant and you didn't tell me?".

  "Listen I know she's not your favorite but just listen-"

  "No you listen! Why didn't you tell me?" She repeated.

"Well I... I was scared that if I told you you'd flip out on her like you did that one time. So I thought it was best if you didn't know" he confirmed.

  "Branch..." Sparkles began, "I know what I did was...unexpected, but this, this is amazing".

  "What?" Branch was confused at the turn they're conversation was taking.

  "Yeah dude" she continued, "you're getting married in a week and now you're gonna start a family. You're...not a Little kid anymore and that's...that's crazy".

   "I thought for sure you'd be mad"

  "Okay maybe Poppy is naive and childish and not the smartest-"

  "Sparks" Branch cut her off.

  "The point is...overall she's a sweet girl and I really like you two together".

  "I don't understand...I could of sworn you would be pissed" Branch felt as though he was losing his mind.

  "Okay okay, I admit it. Maybe... maybe sometimes I attend Butterfly's fan-club meetings and I...may or may not take her books when she's not looking" she said the last part very quickly.

  "So you're the one who stole my Broppy version of the titanic!" Butterfly chimed in.

  "The point is!" Sparks went on, ignoring Butterfly, "I care about you Branch and if you love this girl than...than you have my full support" she smiled.

  "Speaking of which" Skie stepped in, "I did not agree to come just to watch siblings bond! The crazy purple guy just said Poppy might die. So let's wrap it up!"

  "She's go find Poppy" Sparkles hugged her brother then turned back towards the ledge, "Ima hunt this bastard down" she continued, drawing her sword.

  "I wanna come!" Butterfly volunteered.

  "Yeah sure whatever" she began to run into the fog, Butterfly on her heals.

   Just before she was out of sight, Branch had one more question, "Sparkles wait!".

  "Yeah?" She called back.

  "Will you...will you be my best man?!" He asked.

   Sparkles was confused as to why he was asking this now, "Sure dude? go!".

  "Come on lover boy" Skie said, pulling Branch by his vest.

  They're party was split in half, which means no backup. Branch didn't think he was in for it when they began to look for Poppy, but he'd soon discover he was sorely mistaken.

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