The Wedding

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Poppy and her bridesmaids were all on the catterbus heading for Trollburg.

"What if he doesn't show up?" Poppy muttered to Butterfly.

"Are you kidding me? That's not Branch, he wouldn't do that" Butterfly reassured the bride.

"I know, but-"

"No buts!" Butterfly held Poppy's hand, "Listen Poppy, Branch is obsessed with you. I bet you he can't even wait another second to marry you" she smiled.

Poppy laughed, "he is pretty obsessed, huh".

The two laughed as the bus stopped. The door opened and Popcorn stepped inside, "Are we ready ladies?" She asked the group, who responded with multiple cheers.

They were all getting up, ready to leave for the ceremony. Popcorn let everyone else off and stopped Poppy before she left.

"Hold on" she said pulling a small box out from behind her back, "Poppy this is for you".

"Aw, You didn't have to get me anything" she said taking the present.

"It's from all of us" Butterfly added.

Poppy opened the small box to see a bracelet with a picture of her dad attached to it. She wasn't sure exactly what it was yet, but she was already choked up.

"It's an anklet" Popcorn took the gift from Poppy and tied it around her ankle.

"This way your dad can still walk you down the isle" Butterfly explained.

Poppy was speechless. She couldn't believe how thoughtful her friends were. She pulled the two into a hug, "thank you so much" she said, beginning to cry.

Popcorn and Butterfly's eyes began to water as well, "Stop you're gonna make me cry" Butterfly laughed.

Poppy smiled wiping the tears from her face. She was lost for words, "gosh guys" she began, "the wedding hasn't even started and I'm already emotional" she playfully complained.

The three of them laughed as Popcorn lead Poppy up the hill to the venue. She took some deep breaths.

You got this...


Branch was standing at the alter waiting for the ceremony to start. Sparkles, who was holding Gary, stood next to him. All of the groomsmen were on the other side of Sparkles. Gristle, who would be leading the ceremony, began to play his keyboard; it was starting.

As he played smidge walked down the isle first. She held a basket full of blue and pink flowers, "here's flowers for you...and flowers for you...and you" she mumbled as she violently threw them at the wedding guests.

Next came Poppy's bridesmaids. Popcorn, Butterfly, Satin, Chenille, DJ, and Bridget all walked up to the alter in groups of twos. Except for Bridget who stepped over the whole crowd and stood at Gristle's side.

The bergan king paused and everyone stood and turned as Poppy finally walked down isle. Multiple people gasped and awed. Branch was staring at the ground when he heard a little girl say, "Queen Poppy looks so pretty mommy".

His head snapped up to see Poppy in her wedding gown, holding a bouquet of red poppies in her hands.

(Yes I went there)

She was absolutely gorgeous. He could feel his face turning red as she got closer and closer. For a second he felt like a child again, seeing his crush walk by and being in absolute awe. Of course back then that person was Poppy. It felt as if he could fall in love with her all over again. He smiled as Poppy joined him at the alter.

Gristle put down the keyboard and cleared his throat, "you may be seated...Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today..."

"You look amazing" Branch told her as Gristle continued.

"Thanks, you look hot too" she whispered back, smirking

His blush deepened. Branch could imagine Guy giving him a thumbs up in his head. He laughed at the thought, "thanks" he said.

"May I have the rings?" Gristle said.

Biggest walked over to his friends with the rings on Mr. dinkles head, "Mr. Dinkles say congratulations".

"Meep" the worm squeaked.
The couple giggled and took the rings from him.

"And now, the vows".

Poppy nodded taking a deep breath, "Branch" she began, slipping the gold band on his finger, "we have known each other our whole lives and I must admit you didn't stand out to me then they way you do now" she chuckled, "but I've always considered you a friend. You were there for me whenever I needed help and you taught me how to find light in the darkness" she sniffed and wiped a tear from her cheek, "the pass few years we've been together have been the best years of my life. You're funny and smart and you always know how to cheer me up whenever I'm sad. I know we've had our differences lately, but you stayed by my side even when I wasn't kind to you..." she was getting choked up. Branch smiled and wiped away her tears. "I guess what I'm trying to say is... I love you Branch more than anything. My life wouldn't be complete without you...and I can't wait to see how many memories we make in the future. As a team" she smiled and looked up at Branch.

He wiped tears from his own eyes, "god Poppy, you already got me crying. I haven't even said mine yet" .

The crowd laughed, so did Poppy as Branch took her hand, "Poppy...I knew I loved you from the first time I saw you. You were so joyful and upbeat, everything I wished I could have been back then. When you first introduced yourself to me I remember not knowing what say to you...I was so nervous I just shook your hand and left" he laughed, "I remember you would always invite me to your parties and every time I got an invitation I always wanted to go, but could never bring myself to do it. You showed me that happiness is inside of all of us and I never forget that even when times are tough. You are my entire world Poppy and I knew that when I proposed you I was willing to love you everyday of my life; flaws and all" he gazed at her as he finished, "because no matter what happens, you're my best friend and I could never leave you". The two smiled at one another as multiple "awes" came from the crowd.

"Thank you you two" Gristle said. Even he was staring to cry. He took some deep breaths and pushed forward, "Do you Branch, take Poppy to be your lawfully wedded wife as long as you both shall live?"

"I do".

"And do you Poppy, take Br-".

"I do" she said before he could finish.

"Poppy" Branch said under his breath.

"Sorry, I'm excited" she giggled.

Gristle smiled, "by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the the bride".

And with that Poppy wrapped her arms around Branch's neck and pressed her lips against his. He returned the kiss, hugging her waist. The crowd cheered and clapped.

Branch pulled away and looked into his wife's eyes, "you know you're legally Gary's mother now right?".

"Just Shut up and kiss me you dork" she smiled before pulling him closer.

Sorry if there's typos :( I didn't feel like proofreading it...

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