Welcome Back

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As soon as the four trolls entered Troll Village they knew something was wrong. It was very foggy and they could barely see. No one was around; the whole village was deserted.

"Hello?" Sparkles called, her voice echoing across the town.

"Popcorn? Guy?" Butterfly added.

"Poppy?" Branch called. He tried to find her pod in all the fog, but the search was useless.He then heard footsteps coming closer.

"Oh no" Butterfly mumbled.

They all turned towards her to see the pink troll looking up at a shady ledge. As Branch slowly panned his view up to the rock a shadowy figure emerged from the dark.

"Oh shit-"


"Well, well, well, fancy meeting you here" the ominous voice said.

"Show yourself traitor!" Sparkles called up.

"I see that nickname seems to spread" Creek said unamused.

"What are you doing here Creek?" Branch yelled at the smirking troll.

"Oh nothing, just...paying Poppy a little visit" he said with a creepy emphasis on 'visit'.

"I knew it!" Butterfly gasped.

"We know!", Skie said.

"Oh" he chuckled, "so I see, it wasn't that hard to figure it out, I'm not that genius-" Creek began.

"we know you've got a Kakí Enérgeia on her!" Branch clarified

"A what?" He asked, genuinely confused.

"Don't play coy with me" Branch began to loose his patience.

"Wait Branch hold on-" Skie stopped him. Clearly Creek was oblivious to what they were talking about.

"We know you possessed her now come on and admit it you coward!" Butterfly shrieked.

Creek raised an eyebrow, "Possessed?! Oh no no no. I may be a jerk but I'm not a monster".

"Why you little-" Branch muttered.

"Then what did you do?" Sparkles asked, cutting off Branch again.

"Well I certainly didn't possess her, just simply, pushed her over the edge" he vaguely explained.

"What did you do?" Branch said sternly.

"Oh she didn't tell you? Well that's fair she never told any of us. You see Branch your fiancé was very... secretive" the purple troll's tone returned once again.

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"She really didn't tell you!" He laughed, "well that's a shame....she'll be dead before you can find out...huh! and your unborn baby too..." he began to leave, maniacally laughing as he went.

"WHAT?!" Sparkles asked.

Sorry for the cliffhanger bois...

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