Where's Poppy?

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"So what's up with the whole 'meds' thing" Butterfly asked as they walked back to the bunker.

Branch stared at the ground, blankly, "according to Skie, Poppy apparently seems to have some sort of condition. Something she never told me about" he frowned.

"Well then I guess you're even"

He gave Butterfly a confused glance.

"Yeah, you left Poppy without telling her where you were going and she has some sort of mental issue that she never to you about" she tried to lighten the mood.

Branch looked back at the ground. His eyes became glassy with tears. Butterfly's attempt clearly hadn't work.

"Ya know, I knew it sounded bad as soon as I said it" she tried to apologize, but it just made things worse. Branch sniffled and wiped his face with his arm.

"Hey" Butterfly grabbed her friend by the shoulders, "we're gonna work this out Okay. I know you and I know Poppy, and I also know that you guys are great at forgiving each other. You're gonna be alright, I promise".

Branch smiled then trapped the fangirl in a hug. She was surprised, but hugged him back; he clearly needed it. She couldn't begin to imagine what he was going through.

"Thank you Butterfly, for everything" he finally said.

She chuckled, "No prob bob".

Branch stepped back. He laughed as he wiped away the rest of his tears, "sorry, it's been a stressful day".

"I get that. Now come on, let's go save Poppy" Butterfly grabbed Branch's hand and the rushed to the bunker.

"But seriously, be careful when we get there. Poppy's been... violent lately".

Butterfly gave a slow nod, "duly noted"

Their pace slowed as they got to the bunkers entrance. The door had been pried open; no one was around. The two exchanged nervous glances before rushing to the door.

"You think she escaped?" Butterfly asked as they crouched down next to the "GO AWAY" doormat.

"No way. It was definitely broken into" Branch replied peering down the elevator shaft, "I'll go down there and check it out. You stay here".

"Are you sure" Butterfly stood.

He nodded, "if I die... tell Sparkles to take care of Gary for me" and with that he disappeared into the fear bunker. Butterfly was concerned now, and frightened for that matter.

She quickly leaned over the hole, "be careful!" She called down to Branch.

As the elevator platform got lower and lower, Branch's fear began to increase. The first thing he noticed was Poppy was nowhere in sight, the second: it was completely silent. He decided to grab another paperweight from his desk, just incase. If she wasn't in the main room, she could be anywhere.

"Poppy!" He called, walking through the rooms of his house. Poppy was still nowhere. Branch was prepared with the weight at every turn he made. But the more he searched, the more he noticed Poppy really wasn't there. He frantically ran around the bunker calling her name. He had checked all the rooms, all the closets, cabinets, everything. She was gone.

He began to hyperventilate. Branch knew Creek had taken Poppy, but where were they? What plans did he have for her? He could conjure up ideas all day, none of which were good ones.

"Branch!" Butterfly called down, disturbing his thoughts. He rushed to the elevator and headed back up. At the top, Butterfly stared off into the distance.

"What is it? What happened?" Branch asked her.

Butterfly turned to him, her face was pale with fear, "I'm not quite sure...but there's something sketchy going on" she said pointing to the bushes nearby.

"Butterfly what did you see?" Branch grabbed her shoulders.

She just stared at him for a second before replying, "a body" she paused, "a body being dragged into the bushes".

Branch looked past her to the woods beyond, "Poppy" he breathed before running to the shrubs.

"Whoa! I never said it was her!" Butterfly called, running after him.

Branch had disappeared into the bushes. She cautiously winded her way through them, nervous about what lied ahead. When she caught up with the blue troll, she practically ran into him.

"Why'd you stop?" Butterfly noticed he was staring straight ahead. She followed his gaze and froze, "oh shi-".

So sorry for the cliffhanger!! New chapter soon!

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