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Quick note probably should have said this at the beginning but, this is a series! And there is a first book that I'd recommend reading to understand the plot a little better. Enjoy!

"Dr Moonbloom!" Branch ran into Poppy's pod.

"Mr. Branch what do you need? I thought we agreed you would be staying at home tonight. Now if you don't mind we're very busy-".

"I know that Poppy's pregnant" Branch said.

The Doctor's head snapped to the blue troll, "how did you know? Is that girl with the glasses stalking me again?"

"You know Butterfly? No wait never mind, the point is I know-".

"I'm pregnant!" Poppy exclaimed walking out of the Bathroom; the test in hand. She looked up to see Branch with a happy/shocked expression. Poppy ran to him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Dr. Moonbloom watched them with a sympathetic smile, "Ah...young people" she cleared her throat, "anyway I suppose that everything is just perfect here. Congratulations you two" she said walking out the exit.

The two trolls waved and thanked her as she left. They turned back to each other and Branch lifted Poppy off the floor and spun around. The two laughed and smiled at each other. They were as happy as ever. Poppy leaned in and kissed Branch. It lasted a minute till Branch pulled away and sat Poppy down.

(I apologize for my lousy skills when writing about romance...)

"Wait Poppy....what are we doing? We're not even married yet and way to young to have a kid!" He said.

"Branch, it's not time to be pessimistic now. Our wedding's in a month and no matter what I know we are gonna be good parents for this child... I know you will be a good parent for this child" Poppy reassured him.

He smiled, "huh...your right, I won't worry about it", he looked at a beaming Poppy, "but that means I'm going to start worrying about you even more" Branch picked Poppy up and carried her to the bed.

(Not in a kinky way damit...)

She giggled, "okay okay, put me down" Poppy laughed.

The two smiled at one another. This was probably the most happiest day in their lives. Although, Poppy's colors still hadn't returned. Branch thought that something like this would bring them right back. But he pushed the thought aside. Like Poppy said, it wasn't the time to be pessimistic.

"You know I love you, right Branch?" Poppy asked.

"No...I thought you dated me out of pity" Branch smirked.

Poppy gasped and threw a pillow in Branch's face. "Now isn't time for sarcasm!".

He chuckled, "I'm kidding! I know and I love too Poppy, so much".

"So I guess we agree" Poppy said.

"Oh" Branch grinned again, "so you did date me out of pity?"

Poppy slugged him in the shoulder, "No!".

"Okay, okay I'll stop....but you know what the really good news is? Gary's gonna be a big brother!!!".

"The remote, Branch?!".

"Of course, the remote!!"

Poppy covered his face with the pillow, getting annoyed.

New chapter will be posted this weekend! Hope you liked it ❤️

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