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  "Poppy?" Branch called as he entered her pod, cautiously.

"Poppy, you here?" He asked again.

"What do you want?" Poppy was laying on the floor behind her bed; arms crossed staring at the ceiling.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Yeah, go ahead" her tone remained bitter.

"Uh...." Branch sat on the bed, "Well I have to go on this business trip for uh...a while and-"

"Whoa whoa whoa" Poppy sat up, "you're leaving me?!"

"No no no no no, it's just....it's personal"

"So personal you can't share it with me?! You are leaving me you totally are!" She was standing now, "you're never around anymore! Do we mean nothing to you?!" She placed a hand on her stomach.

"Poppy, you know that's not true" Branch stood and took her hands in his.

"Let go of me!" Poppy pulled away.

   Branch stepped back, "I have to go" he said on the verge of tears.

"Fine leave!" Shouted as he left out the door.


   Branch ran as fast as he could to his bunker, tears slowly falling down his cheeks. He packed up everything he would need for the trip and was about to leave, then stopped himself. He grabbed a pen and a slip of paper and wrote Poppy a note:

I'm sorry about our fight and I hope you'll be better soon.
Popcorn is staying behind to take care of you and.... I love you more than anything, Poppy.
I'll be back as soon as possible.
                                         ~ Branch

   He sat the note on a small table near the entrance and left.


"Alright guys....I'm gonna be gone for awhile. So, Luna will be taking over as president while I'm gone" Butterfly said to her friends.

"I won't let you down" Luna said.

"When will you be back?" Grace asked.

"I don't know" Butterfly answered.

   She picked up Her backpack and headed out of the clubhouse, but was stopped by Ivory.

"Be safe" she said hugging her.

"Thank you I will. Bye everybody!"

"Bye b!" They called back.


    The three trolls met on the outskirts of troll village. When Branch and Butterfly showed up, Sparkles was there waiting for them.

"Is everyone ready?" She asked.

"Yep" Branch said.

"You told Poppy you were leaving, right" Butterfly spoke.

"Yeah....." Branch hesitated, "I did".

Yippee! We're getting to the good part!
Hope you enjoyed

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