Heart Rocks

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Alright guys....just a quick note before we get started.

Your probably sick of my excuses, but I have been busy. I graduated middle last week and school was pretty stressful before that.

But now it's summer! So I plan to update regularly and not keep y'all waiting like I have for so long (I apologize for making you wait). Anyway, here's a new chapter and I hope you enjoy.

    Sparkles and Branch were interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Guys? It's Skie. Open up!"

   Sparkles stood to get the door, "what are you doing here?".

"The clerk gave me your room number, is Butterfly up yet?" She asked, noticing her on the couch.

"I don't know" Branch responded, "Hey Butterfly, you awake?"

"Butterfly is currently unavailable. Please check the number or try your call again" she responded without moving from her spot.

   The three trolls exchanged puzzled looks, "whatever. Anyway...", Skie continued, "I'm here because I was wondering if you guys wanted to go sightseeing today? Ya know, explore the city".

    Butterfly sprang up from the couch, "sightseeing?!" She asked.

"I thought you were asleep?" Branch answered.

"Well you thought wrong" she said pulling on her sweater over her head.

"I guess that settles that" Skie spoke again, "you guys get ready. I'll see you downstairs".


"Tell me exactly why we're do this?", Branch asked on the way down, "there are way more important things to worry about".

"Then just don't think about it" Butterfly responded and continued to skip down the halls.

  "Thank you Butterfly. Your advice is always so helpful".

   The pink troll shot him a glare over her shoulder. The three made there way to lobby in silence. Once there, Skie was waiting on a couch for them. She sprung up when she saw them.
"Great! Today's gonna be so much fun"

   The streets were very busy and the sun wasn't shy that day. The group explored everything from farmers markets to art museums, restaurants, and some occasional shopping.

   They started heading out of town and Skie lead them on a small hiking trail.
"There's a really awesome part of the forest up ahead. I think you'll really  enjoy it, Branch", she smiled.

   Branch had been having a lot of fun. The whole day he tried to convince himself that everything was alright with Poppy, but he knew it wasn't.

"Are you doing okay?" Sparkles placed a hand on her brother's shoulder.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine".

"You sure? Cuz you seem a little...distracted".

Branch sighed, "I'm just worried about Poppy".

   Sparkles smiled sweetly, "Oh Branch, I'm sure she's perfectly fine. We'll get this whole mess sorted out and everything will be back to normal. I promi-".

"We're here!" Skie interrupted.

   There was a fork in the trail that  broke off onto a wooden platform. Other than that the forest itself  didn't seem as special as Skie made it out to be. Except for one thing, small rocks were placed in the branches and on the ground.

"Welcome to Heart Rock Grove" Skie continued.

"Why is this place so special?" Butterfly asked.

   "Lots of couples come here to carve their initials into the trees" Skie explained gesturing to the trunks, "and sometimes they paint their initials on heart shaped rocks".

   She continued to talk about the spot, but Branch wandered off. As he got a closer look he realized the stones in the trees were indeed heart shaped. He explored some more, looking at the many letters engraved in the trees bark. As he looked around Poppy was all he could think about. Oh how he wished she could be here. Maybe one day.


   The tired purple troll sat up as a small critter delivered a note to him. Unfolding it he read:


Branch and his friends will be out (and distracted) all day. Thanks to me I suggested they go sightseeing. If there was ever a time to strike, it would be today. I'll meet you there.
                                ~ Mallory

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