Fake Recordings

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    "What is he talking about?!"

"He's just trying to get into your head Poppy. Don't listen to him"

"It's not like he has proof"

"And I have proof" Creek told the frightened queen.

"Uh oh"

   He took out a small tape recorder from his other pocket and pressed play. Branch and Creek's voices could be heard:

    "So how is your relationship going Branch?"

"It's going pretty great actually"

"Are you sure nothings different? You seem...tense"

"Well there is one thing...."

He wouldn't

"What's up mate?"

"Poppy's pregnant. And I really don't know what to do about it. But you can't tell anyone, ok?"

"I can't believe he told you" Poppy stood as still as a statue.

"Oh but he did" Creek whispered.

"This is a trick, Poppy. He's trying to get in your head"

"That jerk. He abandons us and now this too!"

"Branch would never do that...would he?"

"There's more of the tape if you want hear it?" He offered.

"You don't want hear it, walk away"

   Poppy was near tears, "I want to hear it".

   Creek smiled then pressed the red play button.

"There's another question for you Branch"


"So we know that Poppy's been struggling with some mental issues her whole life and we wanted to ask-"

"Wait what?"

"She didn't tell you? I thought you told each other everything?"

"I guess not"

"Is something the matter...Branch?"

"I have to go"

Creek stopped the tape.

"This isn't right"

"I can't believe it"

"He's right we should have told him"

"Poppy, the tape's clearly fake!"

"He would have left us anyway..."

"How could someone ever love someone so broken-"

"STOP!" Poppy screamed, tears in her eyes. They were becoming uncontrollable. She dropped to her knees.

Creek knelt down, "you seem to be at war with yourself" he whispered.

"I am fine!" She cried.

"Oh except your not"

"What do you want Creek?!" Poppy wiped the tears from her eyes, trying to suck it up.

"Give the crown to me....or I'll announce your pregnancy to the entire village" Creek deadpanned.

"Excuse me?!"

"You heard me coward. Oh! Great now we both have nicknames" Creek laughed.

"Beat his ass"

"Poppy, just walk away!"

"Maybe you can reason with him"

"Will you guys shut up!"

"Walk away Poppy"

"Just reason with him"


   Poppy slowly stood, then smiled, "oh my gosh! Creek it is so good to see you"

Reason with him

"Here have a 'welcome back' card" she pulled a homemade card from her hair, "I forgive you by the way"

Just walk away

"Now I have somewhere to be. Have a wonderful day!" She turned her back and left. Leaving Creek alone and confused.

    As Poppy walked home a tear rolled down her cheek. She snapped out of it and returned to her normal self.

What am I gonna do?

Ya know how said things would get more intense? This chapter is a perfect example. Do I regret on deciding to give Poppy a mental illness? Yes. But as I said I can't turn back now. I hope you guys liked these two updates(even if they were a little confusing).

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