Chapter 5: Our Rooms....

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We heard a sound from outdoors.... Applause... I hated applause that came from the Capitol. I hated the Capitol... so... so much... I put on a smile and waved out the window. At least one of them was a sponsor, better get in character. I heard someone scoff and I turned to see May roll her eyes. Peeta looked at Katniss. 

"It's like their our children!" Katniss scoffed

"Right" We walked out of the train and headed to the training center/apartment. We got into the elevator and pressed the button labeled "12." As it shot up, I growled. 

"Geez, what's got you so worked up?" Asked Haymitch. 

"Everything" I muttered.

"How so?"

"I hate these games. I hate the Capitol. I hate Snow"

"Shh!" Said May, clamping a hand over my mouth. "You can't say those things here!" I pushed her hand away. 

"What's the worst they can do?"

"Kill you"

"I don't care if they kill me. Better they do now than have me put in the games."

"Make you an Avox"

"I don't care."

"Torture your family"

"My family doesn't care about me" She sighed. The elevator stopped and opened. We walked into a beautiful room. I hated it. I sighed,

"I'm going to check out what horrors await me in my room"

"What are you talking about? This place is beautiful!" 

"Exactly" I said, walking through the doorway into my room. I looked around at the room. I saw a remote. I picked it up and pressed a button. The completely glass wall transformed into a forest scene. I growled and pressed the button again. It transformed into an ocean.

One Hour Later

May walked into my room and her eyes widened. I sat down on my bed and looked at the graffiti on the walls. She closed her eyes and murmured

"I knew I shouldn't have showed you how to do that" I shrugged.

"It's better now" I stood up

"Well we have dinner now" She said. I walked into the other room and smiled at her.

"Thanks for reminding me" 

"No problem" She said. I sat down at the table. She sat down next to me. We waited there. Katniss, Peeta, Effie, and Haymitch came in, talking, and sat down. They started eating. I looked at May and saw that she too was starting to dig into her food. I didn't do anything. 

"Eat, you need the energy" Said Peeta.

"No" I said, shaking my head.

"Why not?"

"I'm going to die anyway, why wait?"

"What do you mean? You have a chance!" Said May.

"Well, if I do win, that means you'll be dead. I can't live without you"



"Just eat" She put a roll on my plate. I hesitated, then took a bite. Then, I reached for the alcoholic drink Haymitch was drinking. Someone's hand shot out and stopped my hand before it reached the bottle. I looked up to see Katniss. She gave me a look that told me, Don't, we can only survive 1 Haymitch. I pulled my hand away and took another bite. May asked,

"So, what's the plan?"

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