Chapter 22: Compacted

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The dome was suddenly visible. It turned dark blue. It began to pick up speed, heading towards us.

"Run!" Screamed Elijah. We all took off at a sprint, heading towards the cornucopia. We jumped from island to island as speedily as we could. I shouted,

"May! Get down!" She ducked and a spear imbedded itself in the tree next to her. If she hadn't ducked, it would've been in her head instead.

"It's the Careers!" Called Amy. I pulled out an arrow and dived, getting out of the way of a dagger, and shot it at the boy from 2. It stabbed him in the arm. Unfortunately, he seemed to be ambidextrous. Figures. He called,
"Shine! It's that twelve boy!" I saw Shine run closer to the 2 boy. She looked at me, smirking.
"This time, there's no escaping!" She shouted.
"Who said anything about escaping? Bring it on, Sparkles!" I yelled. She growled. Suddenly there was the sound of the cannon and the girl from 4 fell with a spear in her stomach. The dome stopped moving. We stopped running, but we didn't stop fighting. We were outnumbered, 5 to 4. I detached my swords from each other. I dodged an arrow and lunged towards Shine. She dodged and suddenly lifted me and slammed me against a tree. I felt blood spring from my nose, but I didn't care. I ducked as Shine's fist came flyers towards my head. I didn't earn my twelve because of my strength. I realized. I got it... because of my brain. I pushed Shine away then started running. There were three more cannon shots. 2 were careers and 1 must've been someone elsewhere.
"Nowhere to run, 12!" I looked back at her and grinned. To tell the truth, I'm pretty sure I looked a bit insane.
"That's what you think!"

Then, I jumped off the edge of the island and began to fall into the abyss.

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