Chapter 12: Interviews

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"Alright, you two are going to be interviewed last. We need to know what you're going to say." Said Haymich
"No" I said
"Well too bad, you're doing this"
"Why?" Asked May
"They want a good show, so they want people to pick favorites"
"Well that's stupid" I said.
"Duh" muttered Peeta. I rolled my eyes.
"So what do you want us to do."
"You two have to act like you guys are best friends"
"No problem there" I murmured. May smiled at me.
"And, smile"
"Do it if you want to save your life" I sighed.

"... I'm ready to fight" Finished May. There was a large amount of cheering.
"Thank you, May. It's been a pleasure talking with you" said Caesar. May stood, bowed, and walked off stage.

I walked onto the stage and sat down.

"Hello, Jackson"
"Call me Jake"
"Okay Jake. So, if I understand correctly, you are a fire outlier?"
"That is correct"
"Wow" he said with an exaggerated shocked expression. I laughed softly.
"Would you mind showing us?"
"Not at all"

I stood, took a deep breath, then breathed flames into the air. Caesar jumped slightly. The crowd cheered loudly

"Amazing!" Yelled Caesar. I sat back down.

"On a bit of a more serious note, I understand that May Evans is in fact your best friend?" The smile disappeared off my face. I nodded.
"I've known her all my life"
"Well, let me tell you what to do. You two go out there and win this thing"
I smirked.
"That's the plan"
"Thank you and good luck"

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