Chapter 23: Pain

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I grabbed onto a vine as I fell. I quickly swung on it to the next closest island. I readied an arrow in my bow and aimed it at Shine's heart. I breathed out and let go of the string. The arrow flew straight, but someone else got in the way. There was a scream and the girl fell. My eyes widened and I let out a gasp. I had just shot Amy. I ran over, screaming at the Careers loudly. Caught off guard, they ran away yelling. "Mutt!"
I ran over to Amy's side. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks.
"Ames... I'm so sorry... this is all fault..."
"Jakey..." What did she just call me? "It wasn't your fault..."
"No... you can't die... you and May were the ones that were supposed to win."
"We... we all knew I wouldn't make it"
"I... I really thought you would..." She looked at me and for the first time I really appreciated how pretty her eyes were. Bright green with flecks of gold.
"Jake... it'll be okay" She struggled to reach into her pocket. She pulled something out. She reached up and grabbed my hand. She gripped it weakly and put the object in my palm. I looked at the object. It was her lightbulb. She closed my hand around it.
"Take it" she whispered.
"But... it's yours... it's your fathers..."
"Heh... but it's yours now"
"Jakey..." she said back.
"I wish... I wish it had been me instead of you"
"Nobody needs me"
"No! That's not true!" I said, gripping her hand. "Amy... I need you" With my free hand, I reached down and gently stroked her cheek with my thumb. She reached up to her face and held my hand.
"Jake... I'll be with you again soon" she said. "One way or another." Then, she closed her eyes and there was the sound of a cannon.
I let go of her, then leaned down and kissed her on the lips. I sat up and began to sob.
"Jake..." said Elijah, putting a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged his hand off and kept crying. I looked at the small lightbulb in my hand. I still had Amy's light,

But Amy, My light, was gone forever

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