Chapter 11: Scoring

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Well, here it was, my scoring session. I stared up at the game makers. I smirked slightly as I saw the slight shine.
"Electromagnetic force field" Amy had said. She had shown me how to see the forcefield.
"If it sucks to much energy, then..." I picked up my sword/bow. I pulled a few arrows out of the quiver. I shot a few arrows at various areas, activating the different training areas. Once they were all activated, I shot an arrow at the force field. With a loud crack, the power went out and the arrow imbedded into the wall behind the game makers. What had she said? Oh, right.
I bowed sarcastically. "Thank you for your consideration. Then, I left, bringing the weapon with me.

"You did WHAT!?" Yelled May.
"I shot an arrow at them"
"But the force field-"
"I broke it" Katniss's mouth fell open.
"I blew out the power"
"You caused that?" Asked Peeta.
I couldn't help but smile.
"Yep" Haymich threw his head backwards in a drunken laugh.
"Well I'll drink to that!" He took a long sip of his drink.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you what I said!"
"What?" Chuckled Haymich.
"Thank you for your consideration" Haymich roared with laughter and even Katniss smiled.
The television turned on and Caesar's voice came out. He started reading off the scores.
"Shine with a score of 11..."

"Amy with a score of 8"

"Elijah with a score of 10"

"May with a score of..." We all held our breaths "11" Our mouths fell open and a grin spread across May's face.

"Lastly, Jackson with a score of..." I knew it was going to be terrib-


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