Chapter 10: Training

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I listened intently as the instructor spoke.
"... Try to expand on a skill you already have" Then, the instructor walked away. I looked around, then walked over to the sword station. I picked up two swords and walked over to the archery area. I picked a bow and unstrung it's string. I left the string-less bow behind and walked to the corner. I sat down and started working

A few minutes later, I was done. I stood and walked to the archery station. I picked up a quiver of arrows and walked in.
The lights dimmed and the hologram started. I readied an arrow and waited. A holographic human ran at me with a sword. I shot an arrow into his chest and then I shot another at another hologram. Then, I twisted the handle. The bow split into two swords. I held one in each hand. I stabbed two oncoming holograms, then snapped the swords together and shot the last one with an arrow.
The lights turned on and I panted slightly. I looked out the window and saw several people watching me. I slung the bow around my shoulder and walked out. Elijah grabbed my wrist.
"That... That was cool" he said, smiling. I couldn't help but smile back.
"Thanks" He let go of my wrist and I walked over to the fire-starting station. I started trying to make a fire. I couldn't quite get enough heat. I couldn't start a fire. I hate irony. Two slender hands grabbed the stick I was using.
"Here, let me help" I looked up and saw the girl from three smiling at me. I let go. She sat down across from me and quickly started a fire.
"You have to move your hands faster"
"Thanks... what's your name?"
She looked at me and smiled.
"I'm Amy"

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