Chapter 20: Smoke and Fire

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The next morning, we were in a different zone again. I struggled to sit up. I looked around at the desert.
"Great" I muttered sarcastically. Amy sat next to me.
"It happened during my shift" I nodded, then asked
"What's your token?"
"Me? Well, it's really stupid, but this" She pulled out a small lightbulb. "It's from my father's workshop." I smiled.
"I don't think it's stupid. I think it's sweet." She smiled and I felt a little happier. May looked around.
"Is anyone else feeling hungry?" Any licked her lips and looked at me.
"I could eat anything!" She joked. I blushed. I met Elijah's amused gaze he mouthed,
"Hormones" I scowled.
"Um... guys?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm hungry too."
"Same here" I said.
"Let's check the backpacks." I opened my bag and looked inside. I saw a rope, a flask for water, and iodine which was probably for purifying water. I shook my head

"Not in mine"

"Nor in mine" said Amy. Elijah shook his head. May sighed.

"Same luck here" Amy suddenly asked,

"Would you guys be okay with eating lizards?" We stared at her blankly. "Well..." She gestured at the desert around us. "Would you?" My stomach growled.

"Yes. I would be okay with eating one" I said. May and Elijah nodded hesitantly. Amy stood. 

"Alright, I'll go try to find some." She walked off, spear in hand. 

A few minutes later, we heard a scream. Amy came running back. 

"Fire!" She screamed. "Run!" We jumped to our feet and took off running, making sure to grab all our supplies. A wall of fire was coming towards us quickly. Fire is going to kill me. How ironic. I looked up at the sky where I knew there was an invisible dome. I guess that's what they want, isn't it?  Amy suddenly tripped on a rock. She fell over and let out a shout. I stopped and ran back to her. As I helped her up, my arm was hit by the fire wall and I growled in pain. Amy and I kept running. She had twisted her ankle, so I supported her with my good arm. The fire began to slow before completely stopping and turning into smoke. We all let out a sigh of relief, then we saw that the smoke was surrounding us. 

"What the?" Was all Elijah said. The smoke began to close in on us. A small tendril grazed my skin and I screamed in pain. 

"It's poison!" Yelled May. The four of us huddled closer together. Amy smiled at me sadly. 

"Thanks... for saving me" The smoke kept coming towards us. "...Even if it was only for a minute..."

"I couldn't leave you behind..." I said. We began to grunt and shout in agony. Then, in a lucky turn of events, there was the sound of a cannon and the smoke and desert both disappeared.

We landed in the forest area. I sat up and grunted. Then, I saw the angry welts on my hands. They really hurt. 

Then, I saw a wasp land on my hand. It had a completely golden body, signifying that it was a tracker jacker. I didn't care if it stung me. The poison in my veins from the smoke were going to kill me anyways. It stung my hand and I yelped in pain. Then, I pulled out the stinger and saw that the poison from the fog was coming out. The tracker jacker venom was driving it out of me!

I managed to shout to the others, "Guys! Anger a tracker jacker! Quick!"

Then, the world went dark as the venom took over

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