Chapter 7: A Plan

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As I got into the costume for the chariot ride, I thought about how the games might end. 3 possibilities. 1, I die and May survives. 2, I survive and May dies. 3, we both die. I shivered. I wanted only the first one to happen. I knew I had to make sure she survived. I looked down. Y'know. I have to admit that the costume looked pretty damn good. I walked out and headed towards the chariot. I waited there for a while before starting to wonder where May was. No sooner had I thought that when she rushed over, dragging the boy from 11 behind her. I raised an eyebrow.

"May, who's this?"

"This is Elijah Moon. He's the male from 11"

"Yes, I know he's from 11." I looked at his farmers costume. "It's... kinda obvious" Elijah smiled at me.

"I know, right? So, you're Jackson." He held out his hand. I looked at it, then back up at him, then over at May, then back at his hand. He looked hurt

"O-Oh, I'm sorry" He said, pulling his hand back. I didn't respond. I saw someone eyeing the three of us, a smirk on her face. I murmured to the other two,

"District 1 at 11 o clock" They glanced at the girl. I remembered her name. Her name was Shine. Seriously, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE PARENTS IN DISTRICT 1!?
I murmured, "She's only 16, but she volunteered"
"So, what do you want us to do about her?" Asked Elijah. I ignored him as Eva walked over. Elijah glanced between me, May, and Eva before nodding and walking away.
"So, remember the plan"
"Plan?" Asked May. "To do what?"
I looked at her and smirked.
"A plan to set fire to these games"

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