Chapter 15: Bloodbath

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I sprinted towards the cornucopia. A few people were running faster than others. Me, Elijah, Amy, Shine, a few others, and... May. She was keeping up with the Outliers. Wait, was May... I pushed the thought away and focused my attention on the task at hand. As I ran, I picked up a bright yellow backpack. I ducked as a dagger went flying over my head. I leapt towards my weapon when an arrow sunk into my leg. Pain radiated through my entire body, but my momentum carried my far enough to grab my weapon. I picked up the quiver lying next to it and notched an arrow into the string. Somebody pulled the sword out of the ground next to me. I felt someone kick my bow out of my hand. Then I saw her. Shine looked down at me, a maniacal grin on her face.
"Looks like you didn't deserve that 12, 12" I gritted my teeth and kicked her leg with my good leg. She toppled over and I stood, trying to ignore the shooting pain of my wound. I picked up my bow.
"Jake! Jake! Help!" Amy! She was pinned down by the male tribute from 8! She was holding his arms back so that the sword he had in his hand couldn't hit her. I stumbled towards the two, unlocking the two swords from each other. With a cry of rage, I plunged both swords into 8's back. Hot, thick blood spattered my face, but I barely noticed. Amy sat up, wide-eyed. She looked at me and I swiftly brought her into a hug.
She whispered, "I was so scared"
I said, "It's alright. You're okay"
"Jake... RUN!" We jumped to our feet and ran away, dodging arrows and daggers as they flew at us. Amy helped me run and we soon met up with May and Elijah. Elijah and May were covered in bruises and small cuts, but were otherwise unharmed.
"Where to?" Asked Elijah.
"The floating islands" I said "It seems the safest"
"I agree" said Amy. May nodded in agreement.
"Okay" There was the sound of a cannon

Boom "1"
Boom "2"
Boom "3"
Boom "4"
Boom "5"
Boom "6"
Boom "7"
Boom "8"
Boom "9"
Boom "10"
Boom "11"

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