Chapter 8: An Amazing Surprise

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As the tributes got into their carriages, I took a good look at May. The only way I could describe her outfit was badass. May caught me staring again and let out a little laugh that sounded like crystals hitting together. I looked away, a blush flying over my face. I can't let myself get even more attached. Because, in less than a month, we'll have to say goodbye. I felt a lump form in my throat. 

"Jake? Are you okay?" Asked May, putting a hand on my shoulder. I closed my eyes and shook my head. 

I choked out, "No... I will never be okay again" Then, the carriages started rolling. District One went first, dressed in something that looked like it was completely made out of gold foil. I snorted. Typical. I kept my eyes trained on Shine. She smirked haughtily at the crowd and waved. I heard May let out a scoff. After a few seconds, District 2 went. Then 3 and so on. One person in particular caught my eye. The girl from 3. She seemed to be around my age and looked extremely intelligent. I smirked. Maybe I had an ally. Then, I remembered that if I did take her as an ally, one of us would eventually kill the other. I sighed. Soon, it was our turn. I looked at May,

"You Ready?" She nodded. 

"Yes" I smiled, then grabbed her hand. She recoiled at first, but then relaxed, intertwining her fingers with mine. This was all part of our grand entrance. Actually, I had expected May to refuse. We rolled down the aisle. I waved at the spectators, smiling. If any of them were sponsers, I wanted them to like me. If they liked me, they would give me things. If I received things, I could give them to May. 

"Stop" I swiveled my head to look at May. She pulled her hand away. 

"What?" I asked, reaching to take hold of her hand again. The plan wouldn't work if we weren't holding hands. She scowled and slapped my hand away. 

"Stop." She repeated. "You hate the Capitol. If you're waving and smiling like that, you're faking it." She looked away. "And I WON'T hold hands with a faker." I sighed. 

"Okay." She turned her head, looking at me. "I'll stop" I said. Her face relaxed and she smiled. Then, she grabbed my hand tightly. I raised our hands into the air and blue flames glowed around them. 

We are united. 

We are together.

We are one.

As we rolled to a stop, the slight happiness I had felt disappeared. I let our hands drop and I stared up into the reptilian eyes of President Snow. He stepped up to the podium.

"Good Evening Tributes" I held back a laugh. There was nothing good about this evening. Though, with some satisfaction I saw that some of the other tributes, including the girl from 3, were staring at May and me. I made eye contact with the girl from 3 momentarily. Then, she looked back up towards the podium. I returned my gaze to Snow. 

"Now, as you know, the Games have become much more deadly than before. The reason for that is the war that took place not a decade ago. We were divided and we were nearly wiped out. But, when we were united, we survived. It is teamwork and law that have kept us alive. So, in order to show that teamwork is vital and to show how merciful we, the Capitol, are..." This time, I couldn't help but let out a snort. Merciful? The Capitol? Yeah, right.

"We have made a rule change" I froze and a murmur went through the crowd. Rule change? There are no rules. Except...

"In the 84th annual Hunger Games, there will be two victors"

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