Chapter 17: A Change Of Plans

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The first thing I felt was my stomach dropping. Then, I felt the fact that we were in the ocean zone. I started treading water. "What?" I spluttered. May's head broke the surface of the water, then Elijah's. "Where's Amy?" I looked around, panicking.
After waiting for about half a minute, I dived down. I saw her, clawing at the water. She can't swim. I realized. I swam down to her. I grabbed her tightly, feeling my lungs beginning to burn. I swam towards the surface. I have to make it. I have to save her. I was making slow progress. Amy's head hung limp as she lost consciousness. Finally, I reached the surface. I gasped for air.
"Jake!" I looked to my right and saw May and Elijah sitting on an island. I swam over and hauled Amy onto the island. I pressed my mouth to hers. No, I wasn't kissing her! I breathed air out of my mouth. I continued giving her CPR until she finally coughed up the water. I sat back, sighing with relief. She sat up, still coughing. I hit her on the back a few times to help her stop. She wheezed something that sounded like "Thanks" I breathed heavily and said,
"No problem, I'm just glad you're safe." She hugged me, resting her head on my shoulder. I saw Elijah and May smile at each other and for once, I didn't feel jealous. Amy sat up, going back into tribute mode.
"Alright. What was that?"
"Well we heard the cannon..." started Elijah.
"And then we were transported here" Finished May. I looked around.
"What? That was what happened"
"We didn't move... the arena changed"
"B-but doesn't the arena have to be naturally formed?" Asked May
"Tick Tock"
"Good point"
Amy nodded slowly.
"I think Jake's right"
"So that throws a wrench in our plan." Said Elijah.
"Not necessarily" Said May. "As long as we stay put." It started to rain. I looked up.
"Great" I muttered. There was a strange clicking coming from the water.
"What was that?" I looked into the water. I couldn't see anything at first, then I saw two eyes looking back at me. I yelled,


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