Chapter 6: Our Stylists

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I listened intently as our mentors talked. 

"Don't run for the cornucopia. When you hear that gong, run like hell away from everyone. Now, you two remember the main rules of the games, right?" I didn't know them very well. I tried my best to ignore them.

"Um... Well there's the cornucopia which has supplies. You shouldn't step off the platform early. There can only be one victor"

"What do you two know about Sponsers?" asked Peeta. I looked at May.

"If they like you, they can spend money to buy you supplies"

"Very good, yes that is correct."
"What about our stylists?" May inquired. Katniss froze. Peeta placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay" He murmured to her.

"C-Cinna..." She said quietly. 

"Who's Cinna?" I asked.

"Her friend. He was killed by the Capitol" Said Peeta. 

"Oh..." After a few moments, Katniss regained her composure and said,

"Your stylists will be here tomorrow." I nodded and pushed my plate away. 

I wasn't feeling very hungry anymore.


I sat down in the dining room. We had been told to be here to meet our stylists. May entered the room and sat down next to me. I looked at her. I didn't think she needed a stylist. I thought she was great, physically and in personality, no matter what. She caught me staring and smirked slightly. 

"You just gonna keep staring or what?" I blushed and looked away. 

"N-No!" She laughed slightly. I rolled my eyes. Leave it to May to make me feel awkward.

"So, you are Jake and May" I looked up and saw two people walking in. They sat down across from us. I nodded.

"We're your stylists. I'm Eva. I'll be your stylist, Jake" I shrugged


"C'mon, we'll get you set up."

"Can't we be styled together?"

"Well, only if you don't mind seeing each other naked" Eva retorted. The blush that flew across my face signified my answer. "Didn't think so, C'mon" She stood and escorted me to one of the rooms. I sat down where she told me to. "Now, I assume you know what you need styled for"

"The carriages?"

"Yes. Now, most times 12 is dressed as coal miners. With the exception of the 74th games."

I nodded. 


"We're doing it differently this year" I frowned. What did she mean?

"Different... how?" She gave me a smile

"If I understand correctly, you're a fire outlier?"

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