Chapter 19: A talk

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"So, now that I'm up, what do you need to talk to me about?"
"Shh! Keep your voice down."
"It's about May and Amy"
"We need to make sure they win"
"I... I don't know"
"It's either you or May"
"Or it could be either me or Am-"
"Don't even think about it"
"Let... go of... my throat"
"Sorry... I don't know what came over me"
"It's called being protective. I think... you're in love with her"
"What!? Elijah, I met her four days ago!"
"So... It's probably just some mixture of shock, hysteria, or fear manifesting itself as stronger emotions"
"Or hormones"
"Or those-wait, no"
"Fine, if you insist you're not in love with the girl"
"...Are you in love with May?"
"I don't know. It's like you said, we only met a few days ago"
"I'm sorry for how I treated you before. I just..."
"It's fine. I get it"
"We have to protect them. They have to win."
"I think... I think you're right."
"I wonder if they've thought about which two of us should win..."
"Amy probably wants you and her to win. I think May's thinking the same."
"No. She wants to win with you"
"Why? You two are best friends."
"To be honest, I don't think I've been a very good friend"
"What are you talking about?"
"I've been acting really jealousy recently... mostly I've been jealous of you"
"Well you shouldn't be. Anyways, you're talking to me now, aren't you?"
"I know... but it doesn't count"
"And, you are willing to sacrifice yourself for her. And you asked me to make sure I was willing to do the same"
"I... I guess..."
"You are not a bad friend"
"...Thanks Elijah... get some rest. I'll wake you when it's your shift"
"Alright... goodnight Jake"

"Goodnight Elijah"

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