Chapter 13: Preparing

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Eva was preparing me for my launch.
"Your outfit is light, so I'd expect probably forest" I nodded. "Don't forget your token" she handed me my painted mockingjay pin. A white mockingjay with an eye full of blood and tears holding back the darkness. "Here" She attached it to my jacket.
"Thank you Eva..." I said quietly.
"Just so you know..." She smiled at me. "I believe in you" I smiled back at her. "Thank you" 30 seconds till launch. I began to hyperventilate.
"Hey, hey. Calm down." Said Eva, putting a hand on my arm.
"I can't do this"
"Yes you can." I nodded and took a step towards the launch tube. I stepped in and a needle came out from the floor. It injected me with a silver serum and then with a glowing orb. Eva said,
"Your tracker and the serum is to stop your powers" I nodded. It felt terrible. The glass sealed around me. Eva nodded her head, then brought three fingers to her lips and held them up. A sign of respect in District 12. I returned the gesture and then the platform began to rise. It stopped and I was momentarily blinded by the light. Then everything came into focus. A voice rang through the arena

"60, 59, 58..."

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