Chapter 9: Anger

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I felt joy fill me. I looked at May. But, she wasn't looking back at me.

I don't hate very many people

The list of people I hate is surprisingly small if you count the Capitol as one object.

But, when I saw that May had automatically looked at Elijah, my hate list grew by one more person

That person was Elijah.

I turned my head away from May and Elijah.

I was alone.

I had nobody who was willing to keep me alive

I am going to die. I growled. I felt May's hand slip into mine. I pulled my hand away.
"Jake? What's wrong?"
"I don't know. Why don't you ask your boyfriend over there?" I asked nodding towards Elijah. I looked at May. For an instant, I thought hurt flash across her face. It was gone in an instant and I began to wonder if I had simply imagined it.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"I don't know, maybe I'm talking about how, even after so many years of knowing you, I'm apparently not important enough to you for you to keep me alive!"
"... what are you talking about?" She muttered again. I didn't respond. I couldn't meet her gaze. I felt her hand interlock with mine again, and the world seemed to fall away. "Jake... if you have something to say, you should just tell me."
"I... don't want to talk about it..."
"Jake... please tell me..." I looked away "Jake..."
"I'm just scared. For both of us" She smiled ruefully,
"We'll be fine. We're from District 12, survival is in our home's brochure probably" I couldn't help but laugh slightly
"I think you're right.
We will survive

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