Chapter 21: "Run"

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My slumber was filled with horrid visions. I watched my friends die at my own hands countless times, each time more painful than the preceding. I watched Shine win the Hunger Games, grinning maliciously. The last thing I saw was my Mother's death. Over and over again.
When I finally came to, I saw that I was covered in strange leaves. We were in the floating island area. Amy lay curled up next to me. I sat up and saw May and Elijah. Elijah was asleep, but May was keeping watch.
"What happened?" I asked tiredly,
"You blacked out. You were stung five times." I couldn't believe it.
"Five times!? That's enough to kill someone twice!" May nodded.
"The smoke slowed down the venom, so it wasn't very dangerous"
"What about you guys?"
"We're fine. I got stung once, Elijah and Amy twice."
"When did you guys wake up?"
"I woke up a few days ago. Amy woke up a few hours after me and Elijah woke up the next day"
"A few days? How long have I been out?"
"Four days" I was shocked.
"How many deaths?"
"Only 1"
"Oh no... that means one of two things." She nodded.
"Either someone's getting close to someone else or the Gamemakers are going to cause something."
"Amy found the leaves to help with your stings" May smiled. "She was like a nurse. She would barely leave your side or sleep." I blushed.
"So... how did you guys get food and water?" I asked, trying to change the subject. May kept smiling.
"We found a lake in the forest area"
"What about food?"
"We hunted. Elijah's quite the hunter" I grinned.
"Well he seems to have caught something!" May blushed.
"Jake! I just met him last week!" I laughed.
"Oh really? Hey, look, Amy's waking up" I instantly looked at Amy. She was still asleep. May laughed.
"Looks like Sleeping Beauty needs a kiss to wake up. Why don't you give her one?"
Our teasing session was interrupted by the sound of trumpets. An announcement. I shook Amy and Elijah awake. The voice said,
"Attention Tributes, Attention. An Arena Event has begun. The arena's dome will shrink until the next death occurs. Our advice to you,


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