Chapter 18: A Nightmare

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The sky darkened. The thing leapt in and out of the water like a corrupted dolphin. I pulled my bow off my back, notched an arrow, and fired. It stabbed into the mutt's neck, but it barely seemed to notice.
"What the heck is that?" Screamed Amy, pulling out a spear.
"Who knows!?" Responded May, trying to find a long ranged weapon. Elijah was silent. He pulled out two throwing knives and threw them adeptly. They stabbed the mutt, doing no damage.
"How do we beat this thing!?" I shrieked. There was a flash of light as a streak of lightning hit the mutt mid jump. It fell into the water, seemingly dead. I let out a sigh of relief.
Then, the creature burst out of the water. Electricity flowed along its scales.
"Aw, Come On!" May and I yelled in unison. The creature looked at us, eyes glowing red. It struck out at Amy, lacerating her arm. She screamed in pain.
"No!" I screamed.
The Anthem began playing. The creature whines as if in pain. It shrank back and the four of us diverted our gazes long enough to look at the fallen tributes. No career tributes died, so the six of them have probably teamed up. I began to tend to Amy's cuts. I ripped a part of my shirt off and wrapped it around her arm, tying it tightly. She smiled.
"Thank you" I nodded, smiling.
"Of course"
May said, "We should get some rest. I'll take first watch" Elijah nodded. I said,
"I'll take the second shift." May nodded.
"I'll wake you in a few hours" I laid back and closed my eyes.
"Goodnight" I mumbled. Then sleep overtook me.

A few hours later, May shook my shoulders, waking me.
"Thanks for waking me" she curled up and fell asleep.
I gently shook Elijah.
"What? Is it my shift already?" He murmured, keeping his eyes closed.
"No... Elijah,

I need to talk to you secretly

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