Chapter 25: The Finale

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I sat rigid. Chaos! There was another scream. It was a vaguely familiar voice.
"Opal!" Gasped May.
"Guys! Stop! They're Jabberjays!" Said Elijah. Then, he froze as there was a third scream.
"Jabberjays copy voices" screamed May, clutching her head. She was right. Jabberjays copy. It was terrible. I could feel my heart tearing at the seams. Then, I heard another scream. AMY!!! I screamed clutched at my stomach, tears basically flying off my face. No! Please! Any other voice besides hers! The voices kept screaming. I covered my ears. Then, there was a cannon and the landscape changed. The jabberjays were gone. I let out a sigh of relief.

We camped there for the night. We knew that we would have to face the remaining Careers eventually. I awoke to two words that filled me with despair.
I heard May say,
". . .Kill Jake"

I knew it was coming. So, why did I feel so betrayed? I guess there's nothing to do besides finish off the careers... then it would be game over for me.
I awoke to the sound of silence. I was the only one awake so far. It gave me time to really try to think of who would truly miss me. Chaos. Maybe Katniss, Peeta, and Haymich. That was it. Not very many people would truly miss me. Maybe it was best that I die.

May and Elijah had just woken up when I realized something. There were only five people left. That meant...
Elijah screamed. There was a hand reaching out of the ground. A body climbed out of the ground. AMY!?
"A-Amy? Are... are you dead?" Her next words broke my heart. In a monotone voice she said,
"Yes... I died... when you shot me!" She pointed a zombified finger at me. "For that, you will pay!" She ran at me. I screamed and ran in the opposite direction, towards the cornucopia. Elijah and May followed me, screaming as more zombies came out of the ground. They chased us, herding us to the cornucopia circle. We arrived at the cornucopia and the zombies stopped following us, trapped on the outskirts of the circle. I listened.
"No cannon for the other two" I said. An arrow suddenly imbedded itself into May's right arm. She screamed and dropped her sword. I notched an arrow into my bow and shot the boy from 1 in the heart. There was the familiar sound of the cannon and he fell to the ground. Elijah began tending to May's wound. It was me versus Shine. I unlocked my swords and popped a berry into my mouth. I made sure not to swallow as I looked around. Shine suddenly jumped out of the tall grass, pinning me to the ground.
"It's all over" She said. It was then that I noticed how beaten she looked. Blood trailed from several spots on her face. She opened her mouth to speak and I saw my chance. I spit the berry into her open mouth and closed her mouth. I then head butted her throat. She gasped for air and swallowed the berry.
"Nighty nightlock, Sparkles" I said quietly. Then, the poison from the nightlock killed her. There was the sound of the cannon and she fell limp.

I sat up. We had done it. We survived the hunger games. I looked over at May and Elijah. No. They survived the hunger games. I looked at the dagger in Shine's hand. I was going to die. I picked up the dagger.
"J-Jake?" Asked May. "Wh-What are you-"
"You two deserve each other" I interrupted.

Then, I plunged the dagger into my heart.
I heard the sound of the cannon.

It's over

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