C H A P T E R 4

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Tris POV

I wake up, kiss Tobias's cheek and go straight to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and put on skinny leigh jeans, a blue crop top and sandals. I grab my purse and kneel in front of Tobias's face

"Tobias wake up" I say and he opens his eyes slowly "I gotta go to work, you do too. I'll be back by five" I say and give him a long kiss "bye, I love you"

"I love you too" he says with a smirk

I get up and walk downstairs. I grab an apple, my keys, get in the car and drive to the studio. When I get there I see Alfredo, Howie, Micah and Nicole (Nicky, modeling manager) setting everything up. I put my stuff down "hey guys" I greet "hey Tris" the all say back looking up at me "okay Tris today we are just going to record some of your new songs and rehearse the other ones" Alfredo says and I go inside the cabin. Micah and Howie give me thumbs up and I start singing.


At the photo shoot

I go to the room where they keep all the clothes and grab the outfit that I'm going to wear today. The first one is a cute winters outfit and the other one is a summer outfit. After I put on the clothes I sit in a chair and wait for them to do my makeup and hair

When they finish Nicky grabs my hand and we go to meet up with Malik. Malik is also a model and sometimes I work with him. He's like a best friend to me.

"Hey Tris" Malik hugs me "you look stunning" he says in a friendly way. Did I mention he was gay? (picture Matt Bomer but younger) "haha hey Malik, thanks you don't look bad yourself" I say

"Come on guys we are gonna start" Randall, Malik's manager says. We nod and start to pose for the pictures.


After I finished with the photo shoot it was almost five. I change into a light blue dress and leave my makeup on because I'm running late. I go outside and Ricky is waiting for me with Nicole. I get in the car and see that I got a text from Tobias

'Meet me at our favorite restaurant <4' I smile and reply 'okay <6'

"Hey Ricky take me to Caviar please" I say and creep around twitter "we are here" Ricky says and pulls over "what? already?" I say looking out the window. We are outside the restaurant

"Oh okay. You guys can leave I'm gonna be with Tobias" I say and get out of the car. The drive away and a bunch of paparazzi come up to me and start taking pictures

"TRIS WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?" One of them shouts. I put my head down and try to get to the door but they're blocking the way

"TRIS ARE YOU CHEATING ON FOUR WITH MALIK?" a paparazzi on my right yells. Okay that was rude and if you haven't notice Malik is gay, he has a boyfriend in San Diego

"NO! NOW GIVE ME SOME SPACE!" I scold but they don't listen

"Guys give my lovely lady some space please" I hear Tobias's voice. I look up and see him wearing dark maroon pants, a white shirt and black shoes. He takes me by the waist and pushes some of the paparazzi. When we finally get inside he leads me to our table and turns to look at me "are you okay princess?" he asks me and I nod my head slightly "yeah" I answer and kiss his lips. He smirks and we both sit down "I order chicken alfredo with white sauce, baked potatoes and garlic bread. You like those right?" he asks me "yeah that's perfect" I say and kiss his cheek. He sighs "those people over there are taking pictures of us" Tobias says annoyed "ignore them like we always do" I mutter in his ear "I know but it gets annoying. I just want to have a date with my girl and have fun without people recording or taking pictures of us" he says frowning "stop frowning you're gonna get wrinkles" I joke. His frown disappears and he starts laughing "you always know how to cheer me up" he says and pulls me closer to him. When they bring the food I take out my phone and take a picture of the chicken. I post the picture in Instagram and Twitter and put 'Is that you Alfredo?' as a caption. Tobias chuckles when he sees it "I'm so retweeting that" he says. I smile, put my phone away and enjoy the food with my man.


Dad's house

When we enter the house we see Candice running and Tristan following her. We go to the living room and see Chris, Mackenzie, mom, dad, Justin (Bieber), Selena, Chaz, Ryan, Scooter and Pattie sitting. That's right, Justin's crew is staying at my dad's house because they're on tour.

Justin, Chaz and Ryan are playing xbox, Selena and Mackenzie are on their phones and the others are talking.

"Hey" Tobias and I say as we enter the room. They all say 'hey' or 'hi' in return.

"Tris!" Selena exclaims and hugs me. Selena and I are good friends too. I chuckle and hug her back "heyyy" I say. Tobias sits with the boys and plays with them "I haven't seen you in so long" she says and I nod "I know right, come on let's go outside" I say and we both walk out to the backyard.

"So how are you and Justin?" I ask her. We both sit in a bench and look up at the stars. She sighs and speaks up

"we are good I guess, but there was this rumor about him cheating on me and I found out it was true" she says and looks down "I forgave him but I don't know if I can trust him anymore" a tear rolls down her cheek

"I'm so sorry" I say and hug her. She starts crying and I rub her back "it's okay, it's okay" I whisper

"I just.... I still love him... it's hard" she says between sobs

"I know but I promise everything will get better"

"I hope so" she says nodding. When she pulls back she wipes off her tears and takes out a mirror "I look like a mess" she says checking herself out. I stand up "come on I have makeup upstairs" I tell her and she follows me to my room.

When I finish she smiles and hugs me again "thank you Tris you're a great fiend"

"No problem" I say "let's watch something"

I turn on the tv and we end up watching 'Family Guy'

Okay guys I'm not a believe but I'm not a hater either. Ny best friend literally begged me to include him in my story, at least one chapter and she wouldn't leave me alone so I had too... anyways hoped you liked the chapter...

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