C H A P T E R 34

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Tris POV

Woken up by the sun shining through the curtains I rolled on bed and my face came into contact with Tobias's chest. I open my eyes and see him, deep in sleep, his features soft. I scooted closer and cuddle with him. His arm instantly wrapped around my torso bringing me closer. He buried his face on my neck and continue sleeping, his breath tickling me.

I then remember that today, October 12th was Tobias's and I's anniversary. Today exactly three and a half years ago Tobias and I became official. I put his head up placing my index finger on his chin. I then brought his lips to mine and kissed him softly stroking his check with my thumb and my hand on his hair.

He woke up seconds later and began kissing me back, his fingers stroking my hair. We pulled back and kept our foreheads together.

"Happy anniversary princess" he murmured against my lips. I pecked him one more time and smiled "happy anniversary" I murmured back. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face on the crook of his neck. We then heard a giggled mixed with a yell. That meant war.

Mickey came in running on his Mickey Mouse pajamas and jumped on the bed throwing himself at us and kissing our cheeks. We chuckled and I grabbed him by the waist making him fall on my arms. Tobias laid on top of me and Mickey his elbows pressed against the bed holding his weight.

"I'm gonna stay at grandpas tonight?" Mickey asked placing his little fingers on Tobias's face and making him smile with them. We both nodded and he smiled.

"Only if you want to" Tobias said. We would never force him to do something he didn't want, unless school was involved.

"I want to, I can play with grandpa and show him my new set of care that uncle Caleb gave me" he said excitedly.

"How about we eat breakfast and then maybe we can play together too" Tobias said with a smile, showing his perfect teeth.

"Yes!" he exclaimed and wrapped his arms around his neck. Tobias picked him up and held him on his hands. I then knelt on bed and jumped on his back. He sighed and laughed.

"My babies" he muttered and I giggled. He the started walking down the stairs.

I got off his back and grabbed Mickey from him kissing his cheek. I then put him on his chair and placed it next to my stool. I turned on the tv and put sponge bob. Memories from high school came to me and a smile formed on my face.

Tobias smirked too and winked at me.

"Daddy! pancakes!" Mickey said with a fork and a plastic knife on his hands. Tobias chuckled and took out the pans from the cupboards.

When he finished he placed the pancakes on our plates and we all ate in silence.

I was getting ready to go out with Tobias on our date night. We had dropped our son at my dad's a couple of minutes ago.

Tobias was out buying something while I got ready. I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a fluffy towel. I went zto the bathroom and began curling my dirty blond hair. when finished I begin doing my make up. I apply a bit of concealer, smoky eye shadow and nude lipstick. I also apply blush to add some color to my cheeks.

I put everything back in place and got to my closet. I pick out a white dress that goes up to my tights and has lace on the back. I put on some heels and grab my phone.

I hear a knock on the door so I'm guessing tobias is ready. When I open it all I see is a note glued to the wall. I smile and take it.

'The first day we met, we kissed... things like that don't happen in the real world, but it was meant to be'

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